Monday, February 16, 2009

President Obama and the Politics of Fear

In case you haven't noticed, the market is scared to death of Barack Obama and his central-control economic plans. On Jan. 20, 2009, the stock market saw its worst Inauguration Day drop in U.S. history -- losing 332 points, sliding the Dow to 7949. On Feb. 10, the day the Senate passed its version of Obama's $838 billion spending plan, the Dow plunged 382 points.

President Obama speaks well of capitalism, correctly noting that the creation of jobs and economic growth "is the role of the private sector." Obama has a way of saying what most people want to hear while doing the exact opposite (like his rhetoric of tax cuts for 95% of Americans). At this point, it should be no surprise that Obama believes "the federal government is the only entity left with the resources to jolt our economy back to life."

Read complete American Thinker article here

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