Saturday, January 30, 2010

Global Warming Art

If these turbines don't generate electicity maybe they could be turned around and be used as fans to cool down the planet. Or maybe they should just be considered 'Art'. Leave it to Minnesota, isn't that the state that recently elected Al Franken?

Read it here

Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union: Barack Obama gets an F for world leadership

This from the UK Telegraph

the scant attention paid in the State of the Union speech to US leadership was pitiful and frankly rather pathetic. The war in Afghanistan, which will soon involve a hundred thousand American troops, merited barely a paragraph. There was no mention of victory over the enemy, just a reiteration of the president’s pledge to begin a withdrawal in July 2011. Needless to say there was nothing in the speech about the importance of international alliances, and no recognition whatsoever of the sacrifices made by Great Britain and other NATO allies alongside the United States on the battlefields of Afghanistan. For Barack Obama the Special Relationship means nothing, and tonight’s address further confirmed this.

Obama’s world leadership in his first year in office has been weak-kneed and little short of disastrous. He has sacrificed the projection of American power upon the altar of political vanity, with empty speeches and groveling apologies across the world, from Strasbourg to Cairo. He has appeased some of America’s worst enemies, and has extended the hand of friendship to many of the most odious regimes on the face of the earth. Judging by the State of the Union address tonight, we can expect more of the same from an American president who seems determined to lead the world’s greatest power along a path of decline.

The State of Confusion Address

Considering all Barry's whining about the mess that he inherited, you would think that he was drafted for the job. Didn't he campaign for the job of President? Didn't he spend two years telling us how he was going to fix everything?? even to the point of declaring how the seas were going to stop rising (I guess he got that right, because it sure seems damn cold out there these days). Did he think President of the US of A was going to be a walk in the park?

Why does Barry always seem to insinuate that the problems America faces were all thrust upon him in the middle of the night and that it is so unfair? Did Ronald Reagan inherit a cake walk? I think he faced a thing called Stagflation (thank you Jimmy Carter), all you Gen X'ers go google the term, you might be surprised at what you find. How about Harry Truman? He was thrust into the middle of WWII, and had to make the tough decision to drop the atomic bomb which ultimately saved hundreds of thousands of American GI's lives. That decision was probably a no-brainer in retrospect, but still very difficult to live with. How about GW Bush and the 9/11 tragedy, were those easy decisions to make? And even more difficult to stick by them when the whole world turned their back on him.

I wish Barry would grow up and at least try to fill the shoes that so many before him have worn with such dignity and under even more difficult circumstances. Barry needs to come to the realization that America is NOT a nation of whiners, and we will never respect a Whiner in Chief! I think it is already cast in stone that history will not treat Barack Obama kindly.

AC editor

Monday, January 25, 2010

Something that has always bugged me about Barry

What were your SAT and LSAT scores and your GPA at graduation from Columbia?

You are one of the youngest presidents ever, with one of the leanest track records in elected or executive office. Virtually all your predecessors served in the U.S. Congress for many years, or served as vice president, or in a cabinet, or a high military command position, or as governor of a state, prior to being president. (See Appendix.)

Yet you served in the U.S. Senate for only one year before starting your run for president, had never held any other national office, had never been a governor of any state, had never held any executive position, and had not even been in the military. We really know very little about you. We have not even seen your real birth certificate, meaning the official "long form" version.

We knew President Bush's SAT scores and his grades at Yale. We also knew Al Gore's SAT scores and grades at Harvard. And John Kerry's grades, too. Yet without ever releasing any test scores or transcripts, you have been proclaimed as "probably the smartest guy ever to become president" by a presidential historian of such credibility that PBS puts him aside noted plagiarist Doris Kearns Goodwin on its News Hour.

So what exactly were your test scores and grades? Did you take any economics courses? Was your SAT score higher than 1206, which was President Bush's score?

You told us your eleven-year-old daughter Malia's score on a third-grade science test. How about telling us your test scores?

Appendix: U.S. Presidents since 1900 and their highest levels of executive or national legislative experience.

McKinley - Governor of Ohio

Teddy Roosevelt - Vice President, Governor of New York

Taft - Secretary of War

Wilson - Governor of New Jersey

Harding - U.S. Senator (1915-1921)

Coolidge - Vice President, Governor of Massachusetts

Hoover - Secretary of Commerce

Franklin Roosevelt - Governor of New York

Truman - Vice President, U.S. Senator (1935-1944)

Eisenhower - Supreme Allied Commander in Europe (World War II)

Kennedy - U.S. Senator (1953-1960)

Johnson - Vice President, U.S. Congressman and Senator (1937-1960)

Nixon - Vice President, U.S. Congressman and Senator (1947-1952)

Ford - Vice President, U.S. Congressman (1949-1973)

Carter - Governor of Georgia

Reagan - Governor of California

George H. W. Bush - Vice President, Director of the CIA, U.S. Congressman (1966-1970)

Clinton - Governor of Arkansas

George W. Bush - Governor of Texas

Obama - U.S. Senator (2005-2008)


No matter how you slice it... it's gruesome

Read it here.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What a difference a year makes

From Obama the OMNIpotent ..

to Obama the IMpotent.

The true meaning of getting 'Tea-Bagged'

Getting tea bagged now means any Big Government politician getting whipped by someone who believes in freedom.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Hero

One year into the Obama Administration, one thing is clear. The American presidency is a tough job. One can only wonder how much more successful President Bush’s presidency could have been if the media mandarins weren’t hell bent on providing a pathway for their favored Democrats to regain power. Now that the Democrats control everything it’s interesting to note how closely Obama is toeing Bush’s line on the war in Afghanistan, and how unsuccessful the new president is in rationalizing giving rights to enemy combatants. Maybe Bush wasn’t so dumb after all.

That’s what I’ve thought all along. A year after he left office, it looks more and more like others will now not only start appreciating our 43rd president, they might start wishing they helped him when he had the toughest job in the world and they could only wish him ill.

Once again: thanks, President Bush.

Read it here

Also this:
One year after taking office however, Obama has done a total reversal on his isolationist, non-interventionist foreign policy, and is now pushing President Bush’s neo-conservative philosophy as a justification for starting a new war in Afghanistan. What the Democratic Party once criticized as an over-simplified good vs. evil argument has become the cornerstone of Obama’s reasoning.
“Evil does exist in the world,” Obama recently admitted. “A nonviolent movement could not have halted Hitler’s armies. Negotiations cannot convince al-Qaeda’s leaders to lay down their arms. To say that force is sometimes necessary is not a call to cynicism – it is recognition of history; the imperfections of man and the limits of man.”

In the wake of this stunning adoption of the Bush foreign policy doctrine, there is little, if any dissent. The same people who crucified Bush for liberating Iraq are hardly criticizing Obama for using force to promote democracy in Afghanistan.

But after President Bush successfully secured America in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, he was rewarded with accusations of committing human rights violations and war crimes – an incredible irony since his policies were responsible for liberating tens of millions of people in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some Americans accused Bush of lying and starting a war under false pretenses simply because our troops never found actual weapons of mass destruction.

Despite what Michael Moore implied in his film "Fahrenheit 9/11," Congress did not base their 2002 authorization for the Iraq War solely on the premise that Saddam Hussein either had or was trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction. Their legislation reads very clearly that America’s purpose in sending troops back to Iraq was to enforce U.N. resolutions, some of which were violated in the 1990’s and probably should have been enforced by President Clinton. Whether actual weapons were found or not, the war in Iraq was legally and morally justifiable, and necessary.

In addition to enduring criticism for his war policies, millions of Americans demanded the new Obama administration prosecute Bush for his decision to indefinitely holding detainees charged with war crimes. When President Obama signed an executive order in May that reinforced that same Bush policy, the far left was mute.

Almost no one said a word. Apparently, its acceptable for Obama to indefinitely hold detainees, just not Bush.

As Obama continues to make decisions that mirror the Bush doctrine, it is becoming apparent that the former president was not ignorant or irrational in his foreign policy decisions despite the harsh criticism and disloyalty he endured. He was in fact, ahead of his time, a visionary who understood politics and warfare in the modern age of terrorism.

That is why Obama is now following his lead.

It should be obvious now, even to Obama’s most passionate supporters that shielding the free world requires more than mere words like “hope” and “change.” Bush’s detractors should be embarrassed having arrogantly thought they could do it better, and those Republicans who abandoned Bush when he needed them most should take a moment to reflect on their fortitude or lack thereof.

Americans who chastised President Bush for removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq should apologize and show him the same respect they are now showing President Obama as he neutralizes the Taliban in Afghanistan.

George W. Bush seemed to have an almost mystical understanding of what the American people needed when we needed it most. He reminded all of us of why we should be proud to be Americans at a time when there was a whisper that we brought the Sept. 11 attacks upon ourselves for promoting democracy abroad.

President Bush deserves our respect, not our betrayal.

Read the entire article here.

Thank you, Massachusetts!

The people of Massachusetts torpedo ObamaCares.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Did you know the word 'gullible' is not in the dictionary?.. go see for yourself.

OOOPS! Scientists goof on Himilayan glacier retreat
Rick Moran

If anything, this story in The Times of London is good for a laugh - except that there's nothing funny about the people who wanted to use this information to steal trillions from the world's most productive nations.

A WARNING that climate change will melt most of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035 is likely to be retracted after a series of scientific blunders by the United Nations body that issued it. Two years ago the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a benchmark report that was claimed to incorporate the latest and most detailed research into the impact of global warming. A central claim was the world's glaciers were melting so fast that those in the Himalayas could vanish by 2035.

In the past few days the scientists behind the warning have admitted that it was based on a news story in the New Scientist, a popular science journal, published eight years before the IPCC's 2007 report.

It has also emerged that the New Scientist report was itself based on a short telephone interview with Syed Hasnain, a little-known Indian scientist then based at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi.

Got that? The IPCC Report on which the science of global warming rests - a report being used to justify ruining industrial civilization - used an old story based on a brief telephone interview with a scientist nobody ever heard of, in a general interest science magazine geared for non-scientists (The New Scientist) to push the notion that the glacier's in the Himalaya's would be gone in 25 years.

It would be too easy to ascribe this idiocy to conspiracy. More likely, it is simply one more indication that the proponents of AGW don't care about the science and are promoting a political agenda.

How Obama can get ObamaCares passed.

I have a modest suggestion for the White House: given the stakes, why not simply promise the people of Massachusetts free health insurance for life, if they vote for Coakley?

It’s a perfectly reasonable strategy, given the other special concessions and payoffs that have been needed to drag ObamaCare this far. Non-unionized Americans will be compelled to subsidize lower taxes on the “Cadillac” health care plans of far wealthier union workers. Exactly one state in the union, Nebraska, will receive full Medicaid funding, because that was the dollar value of Senator Ben Nelson’s pro-life beliefs. Hundreds of other payoffs are hidden inside the Senate and House bills, to be periodically discovered by bleary-eyed staffers after the latest two-thousand page printout thuds onto their desks.

The elaborate restrictions and rationing of the final, twisted product of these negotiations will never apply to the ruling class. Top Party officials will never have to stand before the death panels, to be told their cancer treatments are an expensive gamble the state cannot afford. No one will ever tell Michelle Obama that she has to wait for a mammogram. Why not simply extend the Cadillac Escalade SUV benefits of the ruling class to everyone in Massachusetts, if they vote Coakley in? The population of the state is only a little over six million. Toss another hundred billion dollars on the deficit, and it’s all taken care of.

Giving free health care to Massachusetts would be a terrific stimulus for the state’s moribund economy. Doubtless it would attract both new residents eager to cash in on those benefits, and health-care providers hungry for government subsidies and ObamaCare insurance payouts. And once the system inevitably generates to single-payer socialized medicine, and the hard-core rationing kicks in, you’d have tons of shovel-ready projects down at the local cemetary!

Read the entire Blog here, from

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm the King of the World!


Well, there's one American concept that certainly doesn't hold water with the Obama crowd. The idea our founding fathers had was pretty solid. The law would apply equally to every person in this country - rich or poor, weak or strong. There would be no privileged classes in this country to who the law would not apply.

That's not the way it is with the Democrats and Obama.

The unions were at the White House telling Obama that they weren't going to support his health care takeover. And why not? Because Obama was going to pay for part of his takeover with a tax on what we're calling "Cadillac" health insurance plans. These are health insurance plans that go past the usual coverage by providing such things as dental and vision coverage.

Something had to be done to keep the unions on board. The Democrats are already facing a rough time in this year's elections and they certainly didn't need union members sitting on their hands on election day. So a deal had to be made. If it meant violating the concept of equal protection under the law ... well then, you do what you have to do; expecially if you're Barack Obama and you believe that your whole presidency rests on your ability to achieve the lifelong Democrat dream of seizing control of the American health care system.

Here's the deal they reached last night. If you're an ordinary citizen who has one of these "Cadillac" health care plan you will pay an excise tax on the plan. If you're an ordinary citizen who has a "Cadillac" plan, but you happen to be a union member, you will NOT pay the tax.

Can you believe this is happening in our country? The government tells you that you're going to have to pay a special tax on your health insurance plan .. unless, that is, you happen to be a union member - or if you happen to work for city or state government. Then you won't have to pay the tax.

This from Neal Boortz, read the entire blog here.

Matthews: Obama Speech Caused 'Thrill Going Up My Leg'

During MSNBC's live coverage of the 2008 presidential primary elections, Chris Matthews expressed his latest over the top admiration for Obama's speaking skills as the MSNBC anchor admitted that Obama's speech created a "thrill" in his leg: "It's part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often."

I wonder if Chris Matthews still gets the same sensation today, if so, its probably the feeling of urine running down his leg.. anticipating the backlash that is to come in November 2010.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Me and Mrs Jones, we got a thing going on..

Help is on the way.. to Haiti?

No, Massachusetts.

Them that has the money, makes the rules!

Big Labor got some big love from President Obama and congressional Democrats yesterday after they agreed to exempt union workers from the whopping “Cadillac tax” on high-cost health-care plans until 2018.

The sweetheart deal, hammered out behind closed doors, will save union employees at least $60 billion over the years involved, while others won't be as lucky -- they'll have to cough up almost $90 billion.

The 40 percent excise tax on what have come to be called "Cadillac" health-care plans would exempt collective-bargaining contracts covering government employees and other union members until Jan. 1, 2018.


I guess that leaves you and me to foot the bill.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dear ObamaCares

Dear ObamaCares,
I am a senior citizen in desperate need of a hip replacement. I would like to have this approved before my 70th birthday.

Dear Hippie,
We truly admire our elderly generation and all they have done for the United States. Thank you for contacting us and praising the fine job we are doing.

White House budget director blames old computers for ineffective government

A big reason why the government is inefficient and ineffective is because Washington has outdated technology, with federal workers having better computers at home than in the office.

This startling admission came Thursday from Peter Orszag, who manages the federal bureaucracy for President Barack Obama.

Can you imagine the havoc that this administration would wreak if they had new computers. Lets give them Comodore 64's instead.

New Bank fees to repay TARP

On Thursday, President Obama unveiled a much-talked about bank fee that will seek to recoup any lingering costs from the $700 billion bailout package over the next decade. "My commitment is to recover every single dime the American people are owed," Obama said.

Guess who gets to pay these fees? Yup, you and me. EXCELLENT STRATEGY BARRY! When are people going to wise up and figure out that corporate 'taxes' are paid by the average Joe.

Good thing the Washington State legislature has such a high corporate tax on Boeing so all those nice 787 jobs could go straight to South Carolina. Another BRILLIANT move.

See #2 on the Top Ten List.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Coakley's Saviors - The health-care industry rides to the Democratic rescue.

From the WSJ

We've argued that the leading health industry CEOs will one day be exposed as the most short-sighted business leaders in history, but how to explain the gala fundraiser that their top lobbyists hosted for Martha Coakley last night?

Amid a Beltway panic, the health lobby is riding to the rescue of the Massachusetts liberal, whose defeat in the special Senate race next Tuesday could deny Democrats the 60th vote for ObamaCare and thus maybe spare the U.S. health system from the coming damage.

As first reported by Timothy Carney of the Washington Examiner, the host committee for the fundraiser at Pennsylvania Avenue's Sonoma Restaurant includes lobbyists for Pfizer, Merck, Eli Lilly, Novartis and sundry other drug companies that have been among the biggest of ObamaCare's corporate sponsors. Other hosts—who have raised at least $10,000 for Ms. Coakley—include representatives from UnitedHealthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana and other insurers. As far as we can tell, the insurance industry claims to oppose ObamaCare's current incarnation.

Naturally, lobbyists from America's Health Insurance Plans and Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the major trade groups, were on hand too. Money follows power in Washington, obviously, though this example seems especially inexplicable given that Ms. Coakley's GOP opponent, state senator Scott Brown, may be the last chance to defuse the health-care doomsday machine. But maybe someone in the press corps will bother to mention this episode the next time President Obama takes aim at the "special interests" he claims are opposing his agenda.

Against overwhelming public opposition, the only things keeping ObamaCare alive at this point are power politics and the misguided corporate cease-fire that Democrats have either coerced or bought—or is homegrown at companies like Pfizer that are deeply invested in more government control of the economy. Ms. Coakley's election would make that outcome a certainty.

I guess Coakley doesn't like to answer tough questions! And if you do, you are now a 'Stalker'!

“TWS: Attorney General Coakley, you said last night that there are no terrorists in Afghanistan - that they’re all in Yemen and Pakistan. Do you stand by that remark?


COAKLEY: I’m sorry, did someone else have a question?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Poll: 48% Say Obama a 'Failure' so Far

Forty-eight percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Tuesday say Obama’s presidency has been a failure so far

Venezuela plans blackouts in Caracas

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela will switch off lights for hours at a time in Caracas and other cities such as oil town Maracaibo in planned blackouts to tackle power shortages that threaten President Hugo Chavez's support.

Critics blame the government for not investing enough in the national grid since Chavez took office 11 years ago.

The president says the previous government made critical errors by building most of the nations energy infrastructure on one river that is affected by rainfall.

(Its always the previous administrations fault,, thats a good socialist for you.)


This blog has been written in Caucasian dialect.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bumble, Stumble and Skid

If the first year of President Barack Obama's foreign policy were a law firm in Charles Dickens's London, it would have a name like Bumble, Stumble and Skid.

It began with apologies to the Muslim world that went nowhere, a doomed attempt to beat Israel into line, utopian pleas to abolish nuclear weapons, unreciprocated concessions to Russia, and a curt note to the British to take back the bust of Winston Churchill that had graced the Oval Office. It continued with principled offers of serious negotiation to an Iranian regime too busy torturing, raping and killing demonstrators, and building new underground nuclear facilities, to take them up. Subsequently Beijing smothered domestic coverage of a presidential visit but did give the world the spectacle of the American commander in chief getting a talking-to about fiscal responsibility from a Communist chieftain.

The lovely town of Copenhagen staged not one, but two humiliations: the first when the Olympic Committee delivered the bad news that the president's effort to play hometown booster had failed utterly, before he even landed back in the U.S.; the second when the Chinese once again poked the U.S. in the eye by sending minor officials to meet with Mr. Obama, as they, the Indians and Brazilians tried to shoulder him out of cozy meetings aimed at sabotaging his environmental policy. Even smitten foreign admirers—in the case of the Nobel Prize, some addled Norwegian notables—managed to make him look bad.

Read it here from the WSJ

Friday, January 8, 2010

Baghdad Bob

Obama Bob

I just spoke to Barack, and he assured me that he is going to stop lying to the American people; and that at this time he has no intention of resigning.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

But he looks so damn good in a suit, and reads a teleprompter so well.

Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blahblah blah.. blah blah blah Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah .. CONNECT THE DOTS .. Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah SYSTEMIC FAILURE Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah THE BUCK STOPS WITH ME .. Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah BUSH'S FAULT Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah CLOSE GITMO, OPEN GITMO NORTH IN ILLINOIS Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah WE ARE NOT AT WAR WITH ISLAM Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah BLAME BUSH Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah... Blah Blah blah... blah blah.. blah blah blah

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How Do I Lie to Thee?, Let me count the ways

The term 'Borked' came out of the congressional confirmation hearings for Judge Bork. It now refers to someone getting unfairly prosecuted in a partisan manner.

I wonder when we are going to start hearing the term 'I got Obama-ed', meaning someone lies to you straight in the eye and doesn't even flinch.

Watch video here

Obama's sense of Dignity

Photo-ops at the Delaware Air Force base at the return home of an American warrior who did not survive his last battle; Michelle in scruffy shorts descending the steps of Air Force One; brazen million dollar shopping trips by ‘the family’ in Paris and London; flying Chicago pizza chefs to Washington for the weekly gigs at the White House; Robert Gibbs; the White House social secretary saying “sure, anybody can come by” resulting in crashergate, one among many; giving shoutouts (whatever they are) to Indian chiefs on the heels of the worst terrorist act in this country since September 11; refusing to meet with your Afghanistan theater general until this refusal becomes public knowledge; taking a very public and humiliating trip to the Olympics meeting with your begging bowl to benefit your Chicago cronies; apologizing for America on every stage internationally upon which you land; constant vicious and untrue trashing of your predecessor; ridiculing Nancy Reagan; making fun of the Special Olympics; blowing off the international celebration of the fall of the Berlin Wall; giving the Queen of England (a former ally of the United States) a disrespectful pat on the back (no bowing to her); dissing the Cambridge police in favor of your arrogant black friend; appearing shirtless on magazine covers; observed carrying reading material for a flight which consisted solely of a magazine on which you were the cover story; vast overuse of the word ‘I’ in all public speaking; actually bowing, as President of the United States of America, to a Middle Eastern potentate, the Japanese Emperor and the Communist leader of China; to speaking out on everything authoritatively with an astounding ignorance of history, especially this nation’s; insultingly ignoring a dinner invitation from the French President, (a former ally of the United States) -- I could go on and actually list just about everything this embarrassment has done for the last 11 months, but all of these, and more, demonstrate Obama’s lack of comprehension of the term “dignity.”

Read entire article here

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas incident was "screw up" - Obama

WASHINGTON, Jan 5 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama told his security chiefs on Tuesday that the botched Christmas Day plane bombing was the result of a screw up by U.S. intelligence and that the country had barely dodged disaster, according to a quotation released by the White House.

"This was a screw up that could have been disastrous," the president said during a meeting in the White House situation room, according to the White House media office. "We dodged a bullet but just barely. It was averted by brave individuals not because the system worked and that is not acceptable. While there will be a tendency for finger pointing, I will not tolerate it."

Then why is it that all I hear from BO is,, ‘Bush’s fault…Bush’s war…Bush’s economy’.
I think the screw up was electing you, Pal.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Remember when dissent was supposed to be patriotic? Well, it seems that only applies when a Republican is president. Now that Barack Obama is in the White House, criticism of him is "un-American" and "traitorous." This new "tolerant" view of dissent comes from Joan Walsh of Salon.Com as you can see in this Hardball video from Wednesday. Below is the Walsh money quote but please be sure to also watch the video since it is important to watch as she drops any facade of liberal tolerance and lets her true dogmatic soul reveal itself in both her face and voice which seems to border on dementia:

The climate right now is that Republicans use everything they can to undermine and delegitimize this president. And it‘s actually un-American. It‘s traitorous, in my opinion. Do you want to give aid and comfort to our enemies? Continue to treat this president like he wasn‘t elected and he doesn‘t know what he‘s doing! He knows what he did. He knows what he‘s doing. I‘m proud of him. I believe that he has the stalwart, resolute nature to get this done...

watch it here

Chickens.. and roosting

by Victor Davis Hanson

In the coming year, plenty of chickens will be coming home to roost.
Take foreign relations. In 2009, the new administration assumed that George W. Bush was largely responsible for global tensions. As a remedy, we loudly reached out to our foes and those with whom we had uneasy relationships.

But so far these leaders — like Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez, and Russia’s Vladimir Putin — have only interpreted Barack Obama’s serial goodwill gestures as weaknesses to be exploited. They play the part of the pushy class bully, we the whiny nerd.

In the waning days of 2009, Iran announced it has no intention of dismantling its nuclear facilities and ignored the latest Obama deadline to cease. There’s no reason not to expect the theocracy to make significant strides in its nuclear program in 2010, while continuing without rebuke to beat and murder democratic dissidents in its streets.

Russia has announced plans to develop a new generation of nuclear weapons — and scoffed at our polite suggestions that it should pressure Iran to stop its nuclear development.

Venezuela brags of its own similar program to come — which could threaten all the neighboring democracies in the region.

The administration courted China on a much-heralded Asian tour. President Obama even has said he would be our first “Pacific president.”

Unfortunately, China was not impressed. It declined to follow our advice about reducing its carbon footprint and instead reminded Americans that we owe the Chinese people nearly $1 trillion. Expect much more of that hectoring in 2010 as our debt to China grows.

We were given a break on energy prices in 2009. The worldwide recession sent oil down to about $50 a barrel. But America did little during the year’s reprieve to rush into production newly discovered domestic gas and oil fields, to tap existing finds in Alaska, or to license new nuclear plants.

By year’s end, oil was creeping back up to $80. If the economic upswing continues, in 2010 it may near its old high of nearly $150 a barrel. Soon we will wish we had done something concrete in 2009 rather than offering more stale rhetoric about wind and solar power.

In other words, 2009 may seem to have ended relatively quietly. But in our foreign relations, in the war against terror, in our massive borrowing, and in our energy policies, we created chickens that will come home to roost in 2010.

Rasmussen: Obamacare Disapproval at New High

Rasmussen's health-care polling results since Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid orchestrated the Christmas Eve vote are full of undeniably bad news for Democrats. In roughly ascending order of bad news (if one is a Democrat)...

Likely voters oppose Obamacare by more than the (18-point) margin by which Ronald Reagan beat Walter Mondale: 58 percent to 39 percent.

There are far more likely voters who "strongly" oppose Obamacare (46 percent) than there are likely voters who support it even "somewhat" (39 percent).

Only 24 percent of likely voters think that the quality of health care would get better under Obamacare, while 54 percent think it would get worse -- a gap of 30 percent.

Only 13 percent of likely voters think that the cost of health would go down under Obamacare, while 63 percent think it would rise -- a gap of 50 percent.

Seniors oppose Obamacare by more than 2 to 1: 63 percent to 31 percent.

And the worst news of all for Democrats...

Independents oppose Obamacare by the head-turning tally of 66 percent to 28 percent.

From the Weekly Standard

Friday, January 1, 2010

Bait and Switch, Obama style

You voted for this..

But got this..