Thursday, January 29, 2009

"With all due respect Mr. President, that is not true."

January 30, 2009
The Return of One-Party Rule
By David Harsanyi
Imagine that. The most expensive social experiment in American history -- one that will cost taxpayers more than both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined -- was allotted less then a single day of debate in Congress.
How many speed-reading whiz kid representatives do you think slogged past their own pork to read the entire 647, or so, pages of the "stimulus" menu?
This week, more than 200 notable economists -- including three Nobel laureates -- signed an open letter in The New York Times challenging Barack Obama's false suggestion that all economists agree a bailout is needed. It was entitled "With all due respect Mr. President, that is not true."
So though Nobel laureates can't reach anything resembling a consensus, your former community-organizing/car-dealing/ambulance-chasing congressman has the intellectual capacity to digest a $900 billion piece of legislation in mere days. Amazing.

Click here to read entire column.

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