Sunday, May 3, 2009

Obama's Whack-A-Mole Politics

by Michael Gabor in

The Whack-a-Mole was a large box-like contraption with multiple holes, through which a plastic mole would pop in and out of, in rapid and random fashion. The object was to hit the moles on the head with a rubber mallet as they emerged from their holes. Of course, just as you were in the process of hitting one, another would pop out somewhere else, and there was no way to keep pace for very long. Ultimately, you would lose. Drained of our money and our dignity, our only option was to find our parents and plead for a small bailout. If they wanted to continue eating their gyros in peace, they were forced to fork over enough of an economic stimulus to at least allow us to go buy some curly fries.

Fast forward to the frenzied first 100 days in office of our Carney Pitchman in Chief: the sheer volume and frequency of gaffes, cons, misguided solutions, outrageous abuses of executive power, and repeated episodes of bad judgment, make it difficult for a rational individual to come to grips with any specific untoward development before they are assailed by yet another one. Today’s vast left wing Whack-a-Mole machine doesn’t even have the decency to let you catch your breath between games: while you are on your hands and knees trying to figure out exactly where on the floor your jaw last fell in response to, say, the President of the United States subserviently bowing to a foreign prince, you might miss a panic-inducing New York City fly-by, the firing of a CEO of a private company by the President, or the President shamelessly marketing our purported national shame to the rest of the world.

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