Monday, April 13, 2009

How The Daily Show helped elect BO

I like ‘funny’. But why do some Americans get their news and political views from Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert? I will tell you, because it’s the easy way out. Why make tough choices when we can blame others for the difficulties of life and at the same time expect those same folks to bail you out of your current circumstances? Both of these sit down comics are water boys for the Democratic party and for Body Odor (B Obama). They have been successful at the blame others, it’s not my fault, gimme free stuff, depend on someone more responsible and ridicule those don’t think the same, schtick. This is the hallmark of the Looney Left. If you don’t buy into this mentality then you might have to actually make some serious choices in your life and do something that might actually be difficult! Oh, the humanity..

This country has always been the ‘Land of Opportunity’. For the vast majority of Americans opportunity abounds. Show me the person who does not have educational opportunities at their fingertips. Show me the person who cannot get ahead in life by working two jobs. Show me the individual for whom their position in life has been predetermined. Where you are in life is all based upon the choices you have made. As much as Looney Left would have you believe that all is going to be lollypops and gumdrops, some day you will come to the realization that it really has not happened. Before it’s too late, you had better realize the only person that is going to get you where you want to be in life, is YOU! And then you will be the responsible one. And you will be the one being asked to take care of the rest of the lazy asses that are unwilling to take care of themselves. So you see, there are really only two choices, either you stay at the bottom and be content with the handouts of others, or you work your way to the top and try to hang on to what you have worked so hard to achieve. You choose.

Jon Stewart goes to Washington

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