Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fair Tax!

- Americans for Fair Taxation, learn more about it here -

The Fair Tax would replace existing federal taxes -- the personal income tax, the capital gains tax, the estate tax, even payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare -- with a 30 percent national retail sales tax on the final sale of all goods and services. As Laurence Vance of the Ludwig von Mises Institute put it in a recent lecture, "The appeal is obvious: no more complex tax code, no more taxes withheld from paychecks, no more 1040 forms, no more record keeping, no more compliance costs, no more IRS audits.”

The Fair Tax’s radicalism is key. The tea party protesters seemed to genuinely desire a radical change in the way our government conducts its business, not simply minor reforms or more business-as-usual. If sustained, this sharp right turn at the grassroots level could have a serious political impact.

Read more here

1 comment:

david lindahl said...

i disagree. poorer families spend considerably more of their income than the wealthy. i think the best option is a flat tax... its more fair and more legit (i did a presentation on it in class earlier this week..)