The utter lack of leadership and hands-on management in responding to the Gulf oil crisis is an embarrassment to the President, as well as a hideous disaster for the Gulf and those who live near it. Can Obama's first-ever Oval Office address make the damage to his standing go away? I seriously doubt it. Obama has failed in his duty to protect the homeland through sheer inexperience, incompetence, and indolence. The man who has planty of time for golf, hoops, parties, and fund-raisers is asleep at the switch when it comes to making the system respond effectively to an emergency. There is no papering over the spectacle with rhetoric.
This from American Thinker
This from American Thinker
The Gulf Oil Crisis is a disaster for the environment and the economy of the region. What is going to happen to us if we have a crisis where many people's lives are in imminent danger? Suppose there is a terrorist attack.. are we going to be able to count on this group of keystone cops to keep us safe? Let's all hope and pray we don't find out.
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