CREW Calls for House Investigation into Obama Staffers’ Use of Personal Email, Meetings with Lobbyists
ABC News’ Karen Travers reports:
On Monday good-government group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) asked a House committee to look into whether the Obama White House violated federal laws regarding electronic records by using private email accounts to communicate with lobbyists and meeting with lobbyists outside the White House.
CREW wrote a letter to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform asking it to investigate and hold hearings to determine any violations of the Presidential Records Act (PRA) and Federal Records Act (FRA).
The group’s letter is in response to an article in The New York Times on June 25 that said Obama White House officials have met “hundreds of times” over the last 18 months with prominent Washington lobbyists.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
How could we (you) have been so stupid? Because Americans want a master, we are no longer capable nor desire government by the people.

From American Thinker
Infatuated with himself, Obama, believed by many to be the messiah, has hurt the very people who pinned such high hopes on him. Already, accounts reveal that minorities and women -- those very groups who were part of the affirmative action programs imposed by the federal government -- are being adversely affected. Obama promised them pie in the sky but neglected to tell them that a house built upon financially shaky foundations will eventually fold. Moreover, Barney Frank blocks Republicans from offering amendments to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- the source of so much of the current economic downfall -- and so the charade continues, with American taxpayers propping up a defunct system. Obama pointedly dislikes the exceptional nature of America and seeks to destroy it, but are all the congressional Democrats so hateful of the country they swore to serve?
People are slowly allowing themselves to be psychologically enslaved as one group is pitted against the other. When questioned by senators about the massive expansion in hate crimes enforcement, Attorney General Holder responded that hate crimes legislation "would not necessarily cover" instances where whites, Christians, or military members were assaulted. Preferential treatment for blacks at the expense of whites and Asians was part of Obama's tenure during his time as senator. Double standards and obvious favoritism now reign supreme. Most egregious is Holder's dismissal of the case where New Black Panther Party members intimidated white voters. Does this portend things to come in November?
Infatuated with himself, Obama, believed by many to be the messiah, has hurt the very people who pinned such high hopes on him. Already, accounts reveal that minorities and women -- those very groups who were part of the affirmative action programs imposed by the federal government -- are being adversely affected. Obama promised them pie in the sky but neglected to tell them that a house built upon financially shaky foundations will eventually fold. Moreover, Barney Frank blocks Republicans from offering amendments to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- the source of so much of the current economic downfall -- and so the charade continues, with American taxpayers propping up a defunct system. Obama pointedly dislikes the exceptional nature of America and seeks to destroy it, but are all the congressional Democrats so hateful of the country they swore to serve?
People are slowly allowing themselves to be psychologically enslaved as one group is pitted against the other. When questioned by senators about the massive expansion in hate crimes enforcement, Attorney General Holder responded that hate crimes legislation "would not necessarily cover" instances where whites, Christians, or military members were assaulted. Preferential treatment for blacks at the expense of whites and Asians was part of Obama's tenure during his time as senator. Double standards and obvious favoritism now reign supreme. Most egregious is Holder's dismissal of the case where New Black Panther Party members intimidated white voters. Does this portend things to come in November?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Who you gonna call?? GHOSTBUSTERS!

US state budget crises threaten social fabric.
The small southern California city of Maywood has hit on a unique solution to its budget crisis. Crushed by the recession and falling tax revenues, the city is disbanding its police force and firing all public sector employees.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
What is that thing on your lip?

Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse... is that a fly on this corspe (or is that corpseman) of a presidency?
Cucumber-In-Chief, because Barry is no Commander
Snatching defeat from victory in Afganistan and Iraq
Gulf Oil Spill and Barry's Analysis Paralysis
Its the Economy, STUPID!
Healthcare bait and switch
KSM trial in NYC
Iran's intention and capacity to nuke Israel
Clean Energy Deception, need I even say 'Global Warming', geez.
We would be better off having the Veggie Tales vegetables in the Oval Office. Intellectually superior to the Cucumber-In-Chief we currently have running the show.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Resign... or Change, Mr. President!

From, read it here.
It now appears that the White House knew about problems in the Gulf two months before the Deepwater Horizon explosion on April 20. What did the administration know? Why didn't they shut down the well?
While defending his own policies President Obama has routinely been rude and sarcastic to his predecessor, George W. Bush. Yet Obama appears to be making the resident of the previous White House look like a genius compared to his own serious missteps in office.
Case in point – Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's performance and the communication of priorities on the issue of oil rig safety in the Gulf of Mexico.
It seems incomprehensible that the president and other members of the administration still have jobs when it is now being reported that the federal government was apprised by BP on February 13 that the Deepwater Horizon oil rig was leaking oil and natural gas into the ocean floor.
In fact, according to documents in the administration's possession, BP was fighting large cracks at the base of the well for roughly ten days in early February.
Further it seems the administration was also informed about this development, six weeks before to the rig's fatal explosion when an engineer from the University of California, Berkeley, announced to the world a near miss of an explosion on the rig by stating, "They damn near blew up the rig."
It's also now being reported that BP was asking for the administration's help on this matter long before the deadly accident and the now gushing well of tar.
Which leads me to some questions for the president. If I were in front row of reporters in the White House briefing room, here’s what I’d like to know:
1. It appears, Mr. President, that you were informed by BP about problems on Deepwater Horizon on February 13 and the company wanted your help. What did you say?
2. Given this new revelation, Mr. President, how can you can sleep at night knowing that your inaction cost the lives of eleven men in Louisiana?
3. Did you inform the victims' families about these facts when you invited them to the White House for last month's photo op?
4. You've said, Mr. President, time and again, that the buck stops with you. Doesn’t that statement seem like something bordering on propaganda when you follow it up with what appears to be a false sense of outrage by telling Matt Lauer that you're looking for rear ends to kick?
5. Does the buck stop with you… or not?
6. Are you going to insist that Mr. Salazar step down from his post in disgrace and shame?
7. Will you hold another prime time television press conference and tell the entire truth to the American people? -- These would be the actions of a man who says that the buck "stops" with him.
8. I know when this news was breaking midday on Saturday about the latest BP developments that you and the Vice President were out on the golf course. Was it 39th or 40th time you've played a round in 18 months? (Just for a point of reference President Bush played golf 24 times in eight years.) Never mind, your priorities are for you to decide. At least until election night...
And now here's where I would not be able to stop myself from saying more...
It is one thing, Mr. President, to be forced to deal with unexpected circumstances and to have to deal with genuinely new problems. President Bush sure had to. He had to respond to an attack on our homeland that took the lives of 3,000 of our fellow citizens. But on his watch no other terrorist actions took lives of Americans on our soil, largely due to his steadfast leadership and willingness to accept no excuses on the matter.
But Mr. President, you seem to have very little leadership experience and it appears you have even less skill. Being a good dad and nice guy who sees the world as he wishes it to be is not exactly a resume of exacting leadership.
Your advisers have failed you and you have failed the American people on nearly everything we've asked of you.
Where you go from here is really your call, but you should consider two options if you genuinely love the country you work for and those of us you report to.
First, change your tactics. Second, appear to care. Attempt to engage and empower Americans who can and will go solve this mess.
Otherwise resign.
For the good of the nation, for your own children's future, change your patterns or change your path... but change!
You do remember that word don't you, Mr. President?
It now appears that the White House knew about problems in the Gulf two months before the Deepwater Horizon explosion on April 20. What did the administration know? Why didn't they shut down the well?
While defending his own policies President Obama has routinely been rude and sarcastic to his predecessor, George W. Bush. Yet Obama appears to be making the resident of the previous White House look like a genius compared to his own serious missteps in office.
Case in point – Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's performance and the communication of priorities on the issue of oil rig safety in the Gulf of Mexico.
It seems incomprehensible that the president and other members of the administration still have jobs when it is now being reported that the federal government was apprised by BP on February 13 that the Deepwater Horizon oil rig was leaking oil and natural gas into the ocean floor.
In fact, according to documents in the administration's possession, BP was fighting large cracks at the base of the well for roughly ten days in early February.
Further it seems the administration was also informed about this development, six weeks before to the rig's fatal explosion when an engineer from the University of California, Berkeley, announced to the world a near miss of an explosion on the rig by stating, "They damn near blew up the rig."
It's also now being reported that BP was asking for the administration's help on this matter long before the deadly accident and the now gushing well of tar.
Which leads me to some questions for the president. If I were in front row of reporters in the White House briefing room, here’s what I’d like to know:
1. It appears, Mr. President, that you were informed by BP about problems on Deepwater Horizon on February 13 and the company wanted your help. What did you say?
2. Given this new revelation, Mr. President, how can you can sleep at night knowing that your inaction cost the lives of eleven men in Louisiana?
3. Did you inform the victims' families about these facts when you invited them to the White House for last month's photo op?
4. You've said, Mr. President, time and again, that the buck stops with you. Doesn’t that statement seem like something bordering on propaganda when you follow it up with what appears to be a false sense of outrage by telling Matt Lauer that you're looking for rear ends to kick?
5. Does the buck stop with you… or not?
6. Are you going to insist that Mr. Salazar step down from his post in disgrace and shame?
7. Will you hold another prime time television press conference and tell the entire truth to the American people? -- These would be the actions of a man who says that the buck "stops" with him.
8. I know when this news was breaking midday on Saturday about the latest BP developments that you and the Vice President were out on the golf course. Was it 39th or 40th time you've played a round in 18 months? (Just for a point of reference President Bush played golf 24 times in eight years.) Never mind, your priorities are for you to decide. At least until election night...
And now here's where I would not be able to stop myself from saying more...
It is one thing, Mr. President, to be forced to deal with unexpected circumstances and to have to deal with genuinely new problems. President Bush sure had to. He had to respond to an attack on our homeland that took the lives of 3,000 of our fellow citizens. But on his watch no other terrorist actions took lives of Americans on our soil, largely due to his steadfast leadership and willingness to accept no excuses on the matter.
But Mr. President, you seem to have very little leadership experience and it appears you have even less skill. Being a good dad and nice guy who sees the world as he wishes it to be is not exactly a resume of exacting leadership.
Your advisers have failed you and you have failed the American people on nearly everything we've asked of you.
Where you go from here is really your call, but you should consider two options if you genuinely love the country you work for and those of us you report to.
First, change your tactics. Second, appear to care. Attempt to engage and empower Americans who can and will go solve this mess.
Otherwise resign.
For the good of the nation, for your own children's future, change your patterns or change your path... but change!
You do remember that word don't you, Mr. President?
Getting Elected President -- $1,000,000,000
Flying Around in Air Force One to play golf -- $100,000 per hour

Being Clueless about the job -- PRICELESS

Being Clueless about the job -- PRICELESS
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Mort Zuckerman: World Sees Obama as Incompetent and Amateur
A critical mass of influential people in world affairs who once held high hopes for the president have begun to wonder whether they misjudged the man. They are no longer dazzled by his rock star personality and there is a sense that there is something amateurish and even incompetent about how Obama is managing U.S. power. For example, Obama has asserted that America is not at war with the Muslim world. The problem is that parts of the Muslim world are at war with America and the West. Obama feels, fairly enough, that America must be contrite in its dealings with the Muslim world. But he has failed to address the religious intolerance, failing economies, tribalism, and gender apartheid that together contribute to jihadist extremism. This was startling and clear when he chose not to publicly support the Iranians who went to the streets in opposition to their oppressive government, based on a judgment that our support might be counterproductive. Yet, he reaches out instead to the likes of Bashar Assad of Syria, Iran's agent in the Arab world, sending our ambassador back to Syria even as it continues to rearm Hezbollah in Lebanon and expands its role in the Iran-Hezbollah-Hamas alliance.
Read the entire US NEWS article here
Read the entire US NEWS article here
$100,000 Per Minute to Listen to WISECRACKS -- That's our Comedian in Chief -- What a Joke!
Obama Jokes About Biden's "Big F-ing Deal" Comment
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Trumpeting the 10,000th road project funded by his Recovery Act, President Obama borrowed two of three words made famous in March by Vice President Biden.
This is a "," said Mr. Obama, pausing for effect between the two words between which Biden had inserted an expletive in an overheard whisper three months ago.
The trip to Columbus cost taxpayers between $500,000 and $1 million.
Air Force One alone bills out at $100,000 per hour, and the round trip is nearly two hours. Adding to the cost are military aircraft to carry limos and secret service vehicles, Marine One on standby, Secret Service, local police and other factors.
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Trumpeting the 10,000th road project funded by his Recovery Act, President Obama borrowed two of three words made famous in March by Vice President Biden.
This is a "," said Mr. Obama, pausing for effect between the two words between which Biden had inserted an expletive in an overheard whisper three months ago.
The trip to Columbus cost taxpayers between $500,000 and $1 million.
Air Force One alone bills out at $100,000 per hour, and the round trip is nearly two hours. Adding to the cost are military aircraft to carry limos and secret service vehicles, Marine One on standby, Secret Service, local police and other factors.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Obama to Nation: I’m Really Freaked Out Right Now! What the hell do you expect from me!?!

By Scott Ott, ScrappleFace
(2010-06-15) — In his first televised address to the nation from the Oval Office, President Barack Obama will reportedly tell Americans Tuesday night that the ongoing Gulf oil spill crisis has him “paralyzed with fear, and feeling absolutely overwhelmed,” according to White House sources who have reviewed a draft of the speech.
“I’m really freaked out right now,” the president will reportedly state from behind his desk. “It’s a gusher, and there’s not a thing I can do about it. I feel like a failure. I want to scream or kick something, or eat an entire container of moose tracks ice cream at one sitting. Sometimes I just curl up in the fetal position and ask Michelle, or Robert Gibbs, to hold me.”
White House sources said the speech would not only lay out a clear plan for the continuing federal disaster response, and a comprehensive approach to U.S. energy policy, but would “connect with viewers emotionally in a way that only President Obama can do.”
“The phone keeps ringing — sometimes here in the Oval Office, but mostly on the golf course — and people expect that I’ll know what to do,” the president will say. “But I don’t know what to do. I’ve never had an executive job in my life. What do they want from me? I know I have to put on a brave face for the public, but sometimes I just can’t stop sobbing. You know what I mean?”
The president plans to tell the nation that he just needs “a little me time” away from the crushing demands of work, and he’s “thinking about renting an RV and just hitting the road, eating at truck stops, listening to country music and sleeping at KOA campgrounds.”
In related news, President Obama today announced he has “suspended indefinitely” his personal moratorium on cigarette smoking.
(2010-06-15) — In his first televised address to the nation from the Oval Office, President Barack Obama will reportedly tell Americans Tuesday night that the ongoing Gulf oil spill crisis has him “paralyzed with fear, and feeling absolutely overwhelmed,” according to White House sources who have reviewed a draft of the speech.
“I’m really freaked out right now,” the president will reportedly state from behind his desk. “It’s a gusher, and there’s not a thing I can do about it. I feel like a failure. I want to scream or kick something, or eat an entire container of moose tracks ice cream at one sitting. Sometimes I just curl up in the fetal position and ask Michelle, or Robert Gibbs, to hold me.”
White House sources said the speech would not only lay out a clear plan for the continuing federal disaster response, and a comprehensive approach to U.S. energy policy, but would “connect with viewers emotionally in a way that only President Obama can do.”
“The phone keeps ringing — sometimes here in the Oval Office, but mostly on the golf course — and people expect that I’ll know what to do,” the president will say. “But I don’t know what to do. I’ve never had an executive job in my life. What do they want from me? I know I have to put on a brave face for the public, but sometimes I just can’t stop sobbing. You know what I mean?”
The president plans to tell the nation that he just needs “a little me time” away from the crushing demands of work, and he’s “thinking about renting an RV and just hitting the road, eating at truck stops, listening to country music and sleeping at KOA campgrounds.”
In related news, President Obama today announced he has “suspended indefinitely” his personal moratorium on cigarette smoking.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The President's Oil Reserves Lie
By Chad Stafko in American Thinker
Tuesday night, following a tour of the Gulf Coast area, the President of the United States addressed the nation regarding the state of the BP oil spill. In his speech from the Oval Office, President Obama spoke regarding our nation's dependence upon oil and how we need to break that dependence.
During his speech, the president made a statement that was blatantly false. The president noted, "We consume more than 20% of the world's oil, but have less than 2% of the world's oil reserve. And that's part of the reason oil companies are drilling a mile beneath the surface of the ocean -- because we're running out of places to drill on land and in shallow water."
We are not running out of places to drill on land and in shallow water. In fact, it is due to the president's party of extreme environmentalists that BP had to drill some forty miles from the coastline in deep waters to extract oil. Imagine if this oil leak had happened in the shallow waters off of the East Coast or even, dare we say it, in the pristine ANWR region. How much easier it would have been to cap the leak and clean up the oil?
Consider our nation's vast oil reserve resources that are currently unavailable for use due to government ownership of the land or outright bans on drilling in certain areas.
According to a June 2008 article in Kiplinger Magazine, the United States has enough oil reserves to power the nation for upwards of three centuries. That's three hundred years, Mr. President. We are not running out of oil reserves -- it's just that those oil reserves have been declared off-limits due to decades of environmental lobbying of our politicians, especially those on the Left. This lobbying has driven the likes of BP and others out deep into the Gulf of Mexico to extract the nation's needed oil.
Note the following statement from the article:
Tuesday night, following a tour of the Gulf Coast area, the President of the United States addressed the nation regarding the state of the BP oil spill. In his speech from the Oval Office, President Obama spoke regarding our nation's dependence upon oil and how we need to break that dependence.
During his speech, the president made a statement that was blatantly false. The president noted, "We consume more than 20% of the world's oil, but have less than 2% of the world's oil reserve. And that's part of the reason oil companies are drilling a mile beneath the surface of the ocean -- because we're running out of places to drill on land and in shallow water."
We are not running out of places to drill on land and in shallow water. In fact, it is due to the president's party of extreme environmentalists that BP had to drill some forty miles from the coastline in deep waters to extract oil. Imagine if this oil leak had happened in the shallow waters off of the East Coast or even, dare we say it, in the pristine ANWR region. How much easier it would have been to cap the leak and clean up the oil?
Consider our nation's vast oil reserve resources that are currently unavailable for use due to government ownership of the land or outright bans on drilling in certain areas.
According to a June 2008 article in Kiplinger Magazine, the United States has enough oil reserves to power the nation for upwards of three centuries. That's three hundred years, Mr. President. We are not running out of oil reserves -- it's just that those oil reserves have been declared off-limits due to decades of environmental lobbying of our politicians, especially those on the Left. This lobbying has driven the likes of BP and others out deep into the Gulf of Mexico to extract the nation's needed oil.
Note the following statement from the article:
untapped reserves are estimated at about 2.3 trillion barrels, nearly three times more than the reserves held by Organization of Petroleum Exporting Counties (OPEC) and sufficient to meet 300 years of demand-at today's levels-for auto, aircraft, heating and industrial fuel, without importing a single barrel of oil.Think about that. The nations that currently hold us hostage by their massive oil production actually have far fewer reserves than our own nation. Put another way, some of the very nations on which we are dependent for oil are also the same nations that help to sponsor worldwide terrorism. Were we to extract our own oil, it would make our nation and the world a safer place.
A great big gusher of presidential goo
In a peculiar instance of synchronicity, President Obama's Oval Office speech to the nation last night resembled the very calamity it was intended to address: Like the oil spewing into the Gulf, it began as a focused and narrow stream of words -- and quickly spread out into an amorphous cloud of goo.
What started as a just-the-facts-ma'am explanation quickly got caught up in political currents -- by the end we were treated to bromides about the Greatest Generation and putting a man on the moon and preposterous insinuations that the Red Chinese will turn Green before us. (China, mind you, is the country where the rivers burn, the air is crunchy and the government is building a new, filthy, coal-fired power plant every 10 days for the next decade).
Last night we saw just the latest installment of "Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste," written by Rahm Emanuel and performed by The One. The immediate goal: to create the political climate where BP will bend over and say "thank you sir, may I have another" in perpetuity. Beyond that, to browbeat the public and Congress into accepting some version of cap-and-trade legislation that will export jobs and raise energy prices in the middle of a recession.
If we could defeat Hitler, we can hike your utility bills! If we could put a man on the moon, we can put an American manufacturing job in India! Yes, we can!
In a peculiar instance of synchronicity, President Obama's Oval Office speech to the nation last night resembled the very calamity it was intended to address: Like the oil spewing into the Gulf, it began as a focused and narrow stream of words -- and quickly spread out into an amorphous cloud of goo.
What started as a just-the-facts-ma'am explanation quickly got caught up in political currents -- by the end we were treated to bromides about the Greatest Generation and putting a man on the moon and preposterous insinuations that the Red Chinese will turn Green before us. (China, mind you, is the country where the rivers burn, the air is crunchy and the government is building a new, filthy, coal-fired power plant every 10 days for the next decade).
Last night we saw just the latest installment of "Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste," written by Rahm Emanuel and performed by The One. The immediate goal: to create the political climate where BP will bend over and say "thank you sir, may I have another" in perpetuity. Beyond that, to browbeat the public and Congress into accepting some version of cap-and-trade legislation that will export jobs and raise energy prices in the middle of a recession.
If we could defeat Hitler, we can hike your utility bills! If we could put a man on the moon, we can put an American manufacturing job in India! Yes, we can!
British media fall out of love with Obama
By Janet Daley in the Telegraph
The BBC reports of Barack Obama’s speech last night are about as derisive as it would be possible to be about someone you were describing only a few months ago as the incarnation of Hope and Optimism. Yes indeed, the romance is over. The British media have decided that it was all a cruel deception: Obama is just one more ranting populist president who will do anything to divert attention from his own failure to get a grip. And this is not just about BP and the fate of all those pension funds.
Nor is it simply the demonising of Big Oil – which makes the US president sound as if he were recruiting his speech writers direct from the student union – that has evoked the UK media’s collective sneer. What has been much commented upon – especially by those fastidiously liberal BBC correspondents – is Obama’s pointedly bellicose language: the US is apparently engaged in a “battle” to be waged in very personal, anthropomorphic terms “against an oil spill that is assaulting” its coast. Considering how relentlessly the Bush “war on terror” was ridiculed, how long will it take before the Obama “war on an oil slick” is labelled as absurd? Given the tone of this morning’s coverage, perhaps not very long at all.
Read it here
I'm buying stock in 3M because Goo Be Gone is flying off the shelves. People are madly trying to get those Hope and Change bumper stickers off their cars!
The BBC reports of Barack Obama’s speech last night are about as derisive as it would be possible to be about someone you were describing only a few months ago as the incarnation of Hope and Optimism. Yes indeed, the romance is over. The British media have decided that it was all a cruel deception: Obama is just one more ranting populist president who will do anything to divert attention from his own failure to get a grip. And this is not just about BP and the fate of all those pension funds.
Nor is it simply the demonising of Big Oil – which makes the US president sound as if he were recruiting his speech writers direct from the student union – that has evoked the UK media’s collective sneer. What has been much commented upon – especially by those fastidiously liberal BBC correspondents – is Obama’s pointedly bellicose language: the US is apparently engaged in a “battle” to be waged in very personal, anthropomorphic terms “against an oil spill that is assaulting” its coast. Considering how relentlessly the Bush “war on terror” was ridiculed, how long will it take before the Obama “war on an oil slick” is labelled as absurd? Given the tone of this morning’s coverage, perhaps not very long at all.
Read it here
I'm buying stock in 3M because Goo Be Gone is flying off the shelves. People are madly trying to get those Hope and Change bumper stickers off their cars!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Keystone cops are in charge.
The utter lack of leadership and hands-on management in responding to the Gulf oil crisis is an embarrassment to the President, as well as a hideous disaster for the Gulf and those who live near it. Can Obama's first-ever Oval Office address make the damage to his standing go away? I seriously doubt it. Obama has failed in his duty to protect the homeland through sheer inexperience, incompetence, and indolence. The man who has planty of time for golf, hoops, parties, and fund-raisers is asleep at the switch when it comes to making the system respond effectively to an emergency. There is no papering over the spectacle with rhetoric.
This from American Thinker
This from American Thinker
The Gulf Oil Crisis is a disaster for the environment and the economy of the region. What is going to happen to us if we have a crisis where many people's lives are in imminent danger? Suppose there is a terrorist attack.. are we going to be able to count on this group of keystone cops to keep us safe? Let's all hope and pray we don't find out.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
More of the Big Lie. #3 under Obama's Top Ten.
Keep Your Health Plan Under Overhaul? Probably Not, Gov't Analysis Concludes
Read it here in Investors Business Daily
Internal administration documents reveal that up to 51% of employers may have to relinquish their current health care coverage because of ObamaCare.
Small firms will be even likelier to lose existing plans.
The "midrange estimate is that 66% of small employer plans and 45% of large employer plans will relinquish their grandfathered status by the end of 2013," according to the document.
In the worst-case scenario, 69% of employers — 80% of smaller firms — would lose that status, exposing them to far more provisions under the new health law.
The 83-page document, a joint project of the departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and the IRS, examines the effects that ObamaCare's regulations would have on existing, or "grandfathered," employer-based health care plans.
Draft copies of the document were reportedly leaked to House Republicans during the week and began circulating Friday morning. Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., posted it on his Web site Friday afternoon.
"It's been passed around the staffs here on Capitol Hill. Congressman Posey thought it was important enough to share," said spokesman George Cecala.
In a statement, Posey said the document showed that the arguments in favor of ObamaCare were a "bait and switch."
"The president promised repeatedly that people who like their current plans can keep them, but now the details of their plan actually confirm what many suspected all along, most Americans will lose their current health care plan," Posey said
Read it here in Investors Business Daily
Internal administration documents reveal that up to 51% of employers may have to relinquish their current health care coverage because of ObamaCare.
Small firms will be even likelier to lose existing plans.
The "midrange estimate is that 66% of small employer plans and 45% of large employer plans will relinquish their grandfathered status by the end of 2013," according to the document.
In the worst-case scenario, 69% of employers — 80% of smaller firms — would lose that status, exposing them to far more provisions under the new health law.
The 83-page document, a joint project of the departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and the IRS, examines the effects that ObamaCare's regulations would have on existing, or "grandfathered," employer-based health care plans.
Draft copies of the document were reportedly leaked to House Republicans during the week and began circulating Friday morning. Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., posted it on his Web site Friday afternoon.
"It's been passed around the staffs here on Capitol Hill. Congressman Posey thought it was important enough to share," said spokesman George Cecala.
In a statement, Posey said the document showed that the arguments in favor of ObamaCare were a "bait and switch."
"The president promised repeatedly that people who like their current plans can keep them, but now the details of their plan actually confirm what many suspected all along, most Americans will lose their current health care plan," Posey said
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Why did Bernie Madoff go to prison?
Trouble was, he didn’t invest their money. As time rolled on, he simply took the money from the new investors to pay off the old investors. Finally there were too many old investors and not enough money from new investors coming in to keep the payments going. Next thing you know Madoff is one of the most hated men in America and he is off to jail.
Some of you know this but not enough of you. Madoff did to his investors what the government has been doing to us for over 60 years with Social Security. There is no meaningful difference between the two schemes except that one was operated by a private individual who is now in jail, and the other is operated by politicians who enjoy perks, privileges and status in spite of their actions.
Do you need a side-by-side comparison here? Well here’s a nifty little chart:
Some of you know this but not enough of you. Madoff did to his investors what the government has been doing to us for over 60 years with Social Security. There is no meaningful difference between the two schemes except that one was operated by a private individual who is now in jail, and the other is operated by politicians who enjoy perks, privileges and status in spite of their actions.
Do you need a side-by-side comparison here? Well here’s a nifty little chart:
Thanks to Carol from Shoreline Caucus
Oil Spill Experts Reveal to Obama “Whose Ass to Kick”

Courtesy Scrappleface
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Impeachment: What are we waiting for?
Our Founders deemed a republic to be the best and highest form of government, ‘whereby men are endowed by their Creator with the inviolable and inalienable natural rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness’. These natural rights preceded those of government and ‘were granted by God, guaranteed by constitutional government, a government based on the judicious rule of law rather than the capricious rule of man,’ and ultimately enforced by the nation’s citizens.
As John Adams wrote in 1798: "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
The Founding Fathers wisely provided definitions for each of the terms used in describing the process. Treason, for example, was defined as the following: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
’High crimes and misdemeanors’ became part of the text of the Constitution thanks to both George Mason and James Madison. Mason had argued that the reasons having been given for impeachment - treason and bribery - were not enough. He worried that other "great and dangerous offenses" might not be covered, so Mason then proposed that ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ be added to cover any and all of these transgressions. ‘High crimes and misdemeanors’ was a phrase well-known in English common law in the late 18th century, and while ‘high crimes’ is easily understood, the lesser known term ‘misdemeanor’ was meant to describe a ‘mis-demeanor,’ or bad behavior.
‘High crimes and misdemeanors’ does not refer to a criminal act, as some over the years have mistakenly assumed. Our Founding Fathers fully intended to provide for the removal of a President whose actions were, according to a Constitutional scholar “… egregious, grossly incompetent, grossly negligent, outright distasteful, or which clearly show malevolence toward this country.”
Read it here
As John Adams wrote in 1798: "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
The Founding Fathers wisely provided definitions for each of the terms used in describing the process. Treason, for example, was defined as the following: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
’High crimes and misdemeanors’ became part of the text of the Constitution thanks to both George Mason and James Madison. Mason had argued that the reasons having been given for impeachment - treason and bribery - were not enough. He worried that other "great and dangerous offenses" might not be covered, so Mason then proposed that ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ be added to cover any and all of these transgressions. ‘High crimes and misdemeanors’ was a phrase well-known in English common law in the late 18th century, and while ‘high crimes’ is easily understood, the lesser known term ‘misdemeanor’ was meant to describe a ‘mis-demeanor,’ or bad behavior.
‘High crimes and misdemeanors’ does not refer to a criminal act, as some over the years have mistakenly assumed. Our Founding Fathers fully intended to provide for the removal of a President whose actions were, according to a Constitutional scholar “… egregious, grossly incompetent, grossly negligent, outright distasteful, or which clearly show malevolence toward this country.”
Read it here
Competence: or lack thereof
A word on the matter of competence: Obama is slowly being stripped of any reputation for ability he may have accrued during his political career. The Deepwater Horizon blowout, the Korea crisis, Iran, Sestak...Commandant Zero is being revealed as the most inept president on record. This is in no way hyperbole; it is a sober evaluation of the record as it exists. Fillmore, Buchanan, and even Carter are simply not in the running here. As a schlemiel, Obama stands in a class by himself, a man who not only can't solve problems, but can't recognize them when they appear.
Read it here (Rumors of a Coup in American Thinker)
Read it here (Rumors of a Coup in American Thinker)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Obama with his finger stuck up his nose!

Well, we've seen Obama frowning. Obama sticking his fingers into the sand. Obama saying he's frustrated. Obama telling us a heartwarming story about his daughter. He even, according to spokesman Robert Gibbs, said "damn" at one point. (Though this has not yet been independently verified by a third party.)
That's it. That's the sum total of accomplishment by Barack Obama, his administration, his party, and his bureaucracy, in facing his first major domestic crisis.
If you want your head to explode... read the rest here.
Barack Obama: Let Them Eat Tar Balls
So many parties, so little time.
You are Barack Obama, and you know how to party. And now, as oil hits the Florida beaches and dying wildlife and desperate Louisiana fishermen fill the cable news in searing testimony to what Reuters is calling our "worst environmental disaster," you are doing what you do
Your bureaucrats have been saying "No we can't" to request after request for assistance along the Gulf Coast, but for you it has been "Yes we can" as you spend taxpayer dollars on entertainment at a greater rate than any U.S. president. Your parties have averaged one every three days and your vacations seem endless as you've satisfied the vow of your former social secretary to bring "the same kind of [party] environment" you had in Chicago to the White House.
You weren't known for your attention to business in the Illinois state senate, but, as one friend said about you and Michelle, "if there was a party or an event, they were there." And as little as you did in the Illinois and the U.S. senates, you've been doing even less in the Gulf, notes radio host Hugh Hewitt.
Even Politico, a part of the Washington Post all-Barack-all-the-time media empire, says you are "failing the test of leadership" with your obvious distaste for getting your hands dirty. And the ubiquitous Dick Morris flatly states the emerging consensus: Our "president doesn't have a clue" when he steps off the dance floor.
You're Barack Obama, and you're not the first black president (Bill Clinton beat you to it), the first incompetent president (Jimmy Carter was there for us in the modern era), or the first professor president (Woodrow Wilson brought his Princeton University-blessed master race theories to the White House). But you are the first party president, with more social affairs than any White House in the nation's history. "Party on" was the way WorldNet Daily described it; another summed it up in a headline, "Obama During Oil Spill -- Golf, Parties, Photo-Ops...and More Golf!"
Read the entire article from American Thinker here
You are Barack Obama, and you know how to party. And now, as oil hits the Florida beaches and dying wildlife and desperate Louisiana fishermen fill the cable news in searing testimony to what Reuters is calling our "worst environmental disaster," you are doing what you do
Your bureaucrats have been saying "No we can't" to request after request for assistance along the Gulf Coast, but for you it has been "Yes we can" as you spend taxpayer dollars on entertainment at a greater rate than any U.S. president. Your parties have averaged one every three days and your vacations seem endless as you've satisfied the vow of your former social secretary to bring "the same kind of [party] environment" you had in Chicago to the White House.
You weren't known for your attention to business in the Illinois state senate, but, as one friend said about you and Michelle, "if there was a party or an event, they were there." And as little as you did in the Illinois and the U.S. senates, you've been doing even less in the Gulf, notes radio host Hugh Hewitt.
Even Politico, a part of the Washington Post all-Barack-all-the-time media empire, says you are "failing the test of leadership" with your obvious distaste for getting your hands dirty. And the ubiquitous Dick Morris flatly states the emerging consensus: Our "president doesn't have a clue" when he steps off the dance floor.
You're Barack Obama, and you're not the first black president (Bill Clinton beat you to it), the first incompetent president (Jimmy Carter was there for us in the modern era), or the first professor president (Woodrow Wilson brought his Princeton University-blessed master race theories to the White House). But you are the first party president, with more social affairs than any White House in the nation's history. "Party on" was the way WorldNet Daily described it; another summed it up in a headline, "Obama During Oil Spill -- Golf, Parties, Photo-Ops...and More Golf!"
Read the entire article from American Thinker here
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Audacity of Indifference

Hmmm.. Let's see.
Gulf oil spill.
North Korea.
The Deficit.
Just plug the damn hole .... in the border!
Election tampering.
Our friends are now enemies, and our enemies are now friends.
And the hits just keep coming.
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