Actually I think my family (because that is my ultimate responsiblity) and I might come out of this ObamaCare ok. I'm going on 49, so Social Security will probably still be around for me. I will have paid into it for 40+ years, so I might as well take what I can get. And I shouldn't need a hip replacement or some other very expensive procedure for the next 20 years. Those poor shmucks that are around the age of 60-65; don't break a hip, because it aint gonna get fixed. There is absolutely no ROI for fixing someone after they are done paying their taxes. At that point they are only a burden on society, so see ya! And I'm old enough that I am not at the peak of my earnings potential, so the lions share of the financial burden of ObamaCare is going to fall on the under 30 crowd. Good for them, let them pay for this monstrosity. They got Barry elected so let them reap what they have sowed.
It's not going to be long before the Chinese are going to stop buying our debt. And when that happens, God help us. Our credit cards will be shredded, but we will still have the principal + interest payments. We have been financing our national daily expenses on borrowed money. And when we have no more credit, its going to be cash only. What do you think is going to be slashed first? Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, police and fire services, federal funds for abortion (oh sorry, of course not that), national defense? I don't know. Take your pick. The only thing I'm certain of, is that paying for ObamaCare is going to be the least of our worries.
Better make sure you can defend your castle.
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