I really don't like wishing ill will upon my country, but I'm thinking it might be best for these United States if the Congress passes the abortion (definition: any malformed or monstrous person, thing, etc) that is healthcare reform. The sooner this country goes bankrupt, the better.
We are no longer a country that values the individual, it is the collective that has become of ultimate consequence. But the notion that all the ills of society can be cured by assaulting the rights of the individual is absurd. As long as we are solving the healthcare 'crisis' and as we are contemplating providing 'healthcare' for all, at the expense of the few and the liberty of all, why don't we also propose that we eliminate poverty, drug abuse, alcoholism, and drunk driving? All of these are a plague on society, just to name a few. We could eliminate poverty by providing for those without from the abundance of those that have excess (I think doctors make way too much money anyway, it is perfectly ok to tax 95% of their income). Drug abuse would be eradicated if we incarcerated those that abuse. Alcoholics would be cured if we prohibited the sale of alcohol (although I think that has been tried). And drunk driving would evaporate if we eliminated automobiles. These pox on society would all be cured. Freedom be damned. But if Congress continues along its present course, everyone is going to have healthcare, at least for a few years. That is, until everyone is bankrupt. Can you imagine what would happen if groceries were one day legislated to be 'free'? Probably not a lot of hamburger being taken from the shelves, Filet Mignon for everyone!
Its the Woodstock generation that has gotten us into this mess. The drugs are groovy, free love, flower power generation are now in control of congress. The generation that believes that there are no consequences to their actions. If they F-up, someone will be there to fix it for them. Unfortunately, those that are going to fix 'it' are the under 30 generation. They are going to be paying for this mess for many, many years to come. Long after I have retired, and am collecting Social Security, that, I'm sorry to tell you, will never, ever be there for you. You will be paying your entire lives for no benefit. And I'm sorry to inform you of this, but there are consequences to electing this abortion, Barack.