Considering all Barry's whining about the mess that he inherited, you would think that he was drafted for the job. Didn't he campaign for the job of President? Didn't he spend two years telling us how he was going to fix everything?? even to the point of declaring how the seas were going to stop rising (I guess he got that right, because it sure seems damn cold out there these days). Did he think President of the US of A was going to be a walk in the park?
Why does Barry always seem to insinuate that the problems America faces were all thrust upon him in the middle of the night and that it is so unfair? Did Ronald Reagan inherit a cake walk? I think he faced a thing called Stagflation (thank you Jimmy Carter), all you Gen X'ers go google the term, you might be surprised at what you find. How about Harry Truman? He was thrust into the middle of WWII, and had to make the tough decision to drop the atomic bomb which ultimately saved hundreds of thousands of American GI's lives. That decision was probably a no-brainer in retrospect, but still very difficult to live with. How about GW Bush and the 9/11 tragedy, were those easy decisions to make? And even more difficult to stick by them when the whole world turned their back on him.
I wish Barry would grow up and at least try to fill the shoes that so many before him have worn with such dignity and under even more difficult circumstances. Barry needs to come to the realization that America is NOT a nation of whiners, and we will never respect a Whiner in Chief! I think it is already cast in stone that history will not treat Barack Obama kindly.
AC editor
1 comment:
Nicely written! Would love to see more posts by the editor of this blog.
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