Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Healthcare reform? In the not too distant future we are going to be paying 'filet' prices, and eating cat food.

Richard Foster, Chief Actuary for Medicare, issued a report on November 13 documenting the severe impact the bill would have on hospitals.

Americans today enjoy the best, most advanced health care in the world. That is why people come here from socialized medicine systems all over the world, when they are really sick and need the most advanced care. And that is why these other health care systems copy our health care innovations and breakthroughs. This is a key component of the high standard of living Americans have enjoyed.

But that will be gone under this Democrat socialized medicine bill. Instead you will suffer the equal sharing of misery that the Democrats mistake for social justice, as our current system is looted and sacked, with the resources redistributed to where the Democrats think they can buy more votes than by spending huge sums on seriously ill people that need truly advanced medical care to save their lives.

President Obama continues trying to sell his government takeover of health care with the counterintuitive claim that it will reduce health costs. "Anybody who says otherwise simply hasn't read the bills," he said last weekend, a shockingly ridiculous statement given how Congressional Democrats have been hiding the various versions of the bill until springing them just before a vote.

Many other studies now have accumulated to show the same thing. As indicated, younger workers will be hurt the most with their premiums, which they will be required by law to pay, increasing 2 to 3 times. That is because today their health insurance is relatively inexpensive due to their low health costs on average. But the bill would prohibit insurers from continuing to provide this benefit to younger workers, with the increased money from the young, already paying so much for Social Security and Medicare, redistributed elsewhere.

During last year's campaign, President Obama pledged a health reform plan that would reduce health insurance costs by $2,500 per year per family. If health insurance costs soar under his plan instead, wouldn't it be reasonable to ask him to resign for defrauding his way into office?

Notice also that you do not hear President Obama say anymore that if you like your health insurance plan you can keep it. That is because in the face of these soaring costs, employers will have powerful incentives to save substantial costs by dropping their coverage and paying the fines for doing so. The Chief Actuary of Medicare also estimates that 9-10 million seniors will lose their Medicare Advantage plans because of the steep cuts for those plans under the legislation. Would it not be reasonable for those who lose their health coverage under his health plan, contrary to his promises, to ask him to resign?

You can read the whole sad truth here.. most choose not to believe it though. When we all have miserable health care in the future, remember who got us there.

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