If you think 'gun control' is the answer, and disarming the law abiding citizens of this country is going to result in less crime; I have a proposition for you.
You post a sign on your lawn that says:
You post a sign on your lawn that says:
'This is a gun free zone, no violent act of self defense will be used in the protection of this home'
And I will post a sign on my lawn that says:
'Criminals, killers, rapists and violent intruders that violate the sanctity this home will be shot, shot again, and shot a third and final time; with the intent of dispatching you (the intruder) to the next life by multiple handgun, shotgun and large caliber rifle rounds'
And we will see which method proves to be a better defense. The best defense is still a good offense, even in life. Criminals are never going to be disarmed, no matter how 'illegal' it may be. That is why they are criminals.
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