Thursday, November 19, 2009

American Buffoon-in-Chief - Obama showing his best side

President Bush supposedly offended the rest of the world with his cowboy chauvinism, but at least he followed proper etiquette while telling the leaders of other countries that America was going to go its own way. Obama doesn't even know to invite the Prime Minister of Great Britain to a state dinner. He doesn't even bother to learn the proper way to greet kings and emperors.

For all of George W. Bush's swagger, it is Barack Obama who has systematically offended three major allies -- Britain, Germany and Japan -- in the span of nine months, needlessly straining important relationships and making his country look simultaneously backward and arrogant.

The reason for this is simple and obvious: Obama's singular arrogance. Only arrogance can explain the way Obama has treated Gordon Brown. Only arrogance can explain the president's snubbing of Germany and repeated refusal to learn the proper protocol for greeting other world leaders.

Obama might be cultivating world opinion by insulting his own country in speech after speech and undermining its interests with his foreign policy, but the joke is on him. For his transparent disdain for other world leaders and customs is making him every bit the image of the buffoonish American president he tries so hard to convince the world he is not.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This is for all those anti-gun nuts!

If you think 'gun control' is the answer, and disarming the law abiding citizens of this country is going to result in less crime; I have a proposition for you.

You post a sign on your lawn that says:
'This is a gun free zone, no violent act of self defense will be used in the protection of this home'
And I will post a sign on my lawn that says:
'Criminals, killers, rapists and violent intruders that violate the sanctity this home will be shot, shot again, and shot a third and final time; with the intent of dispatching you (the intruder) to the next life by multiple handgun, shotgun and large caliber rifle rounds'
And we will see which method proves to be a better defense. The best defense is still a good offense, even in life. Criminals are never going to be disarmed, no matter how 'illegal' it may be. That is why they are criminals.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Where you are headed if you can't afford ObamaCare

I'm back!

After taking a break for several months from 'Dyed in the Wool Conservative', I think I might be able to make a comeback. After the election of our 'Frat-boy-in-Chief' (the one who is more concerned about his golf handicap and his hoop score, than what is happening in Afganistan), I just could not continue reading and posting what was happening in our country. I would just get so upset and it started to affect my homelife and my relationships. So I quit. But I think I might be ready to make a comeback... I'm going to try. At this time I'm unemployed, thanks Wamu, although I did get a fairly sizeable severance. So I do have a few moments of spare time from Daddy-day-care of my adorable almost 2 year old daughter, Nora.. who is absolutely the love of my life (almost as much as my wife Amy!) So just to wrap up.. I'm going to try to start posting again. So for the two followers of my blog... I'm back!