Monday, May 4, 2009

Obama’s transparency is clear as mud

by Mark Tapscott in the

Three and a half months into the Obama era and Sunlight’s Real-Time Investigations team recently found that “some of the most elementary details about the [TARP] program - like who is actually managing distribution of the bailout money to financial institutions - is still shrouded in secrecy.”

Good luck trying to find out where those billions are going. Obama promised the public would have unprecedented access to stimulus spending information, saying “our goal must be to spend these precious dollars with unprecedented accountability, responsibility, and transparency.”

Obama is uncommonly good at saying the right words. The new government web site,, is unprecedented alright, but not the way Obama promised.

There has been some improvement in recent weeks, but remains chock full of colorful charts, links to official PR babble, and mildly interesting summary statistics. Mostly, the site is a tax-paid propaganda tool to persuade the gullible that Obama is doing a wonderful job.

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