In "freeing herself" from the poverty of her childhood, Sonia Sotomayor had the benefit of attending private, not public schools.
The next time an official in the Obama Administration advances efforts to disenfranchise school vouchers or hails the virtues of public education even as he sends his children to a posh private one; the next time a federal court takes up a similar education-related issue; perhaps they should call to mind the personal story of U.S. Supreme Court nominee, current Court of Appeals Court Judge, Sonia Sotomayor, who, it is asserted, bootstrapped her way to her currently and swiftly opening door to life-long celebrity.
Lost in the liberal tumult of ecstasy over her nomination is the simple fact that Judge Sotomayor had the undoubted blessing of attending private schools. All her life.
From American Thinker
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Medicare for All Is a Killer
If the health policy reforms favored by Obama and the Left are passed, the only alternative for the American people to protect themselves and their families is to buy health insurance covering health care provided overseas. Since such insurance will be outside the jurisdiction of the U.S., it will not be regulated for fairness, which means it will be low cost and affordable. Of course, you will have to travel to the Caribbean or elsewhere to get care for serious illnesses like heart disease or cancer. But that is where you will find all the smart doctors and surgeons, living in Caribbean villas, and driving hot rod sports cars with old-fashioned gas combustion engines.
From The American Spectator
From The American Spectator
Barack Obama is just a lying sack of shit!
It has been four months. In that time, President Obama has made it clear that he believes in transparency only when it serves his own interest. His administration has used the Freedom of Information Act as a shield, and in important ways his agencies are operating under a strong presumption in favor of secrecy.
From the Weekly Standard, read it here
From the Weekly Standard, read it here
Does Obama understand that the office of the presidency is bigger--much bigger--than he is?
by William Kristol 06/01/2009
The Weekly Standard, read it here
Doesn't Obama's self-regard sometimes seem greater than his regard for the position he occupies? Does he understand that the office of the presidency is bigger--much bigger--than he is? Or does Obama think of the presidency primarily as a vessel through which to exercise his political gifts and pursue his personal achievements?
Does Obama grasp that his task is to advance U.S. interests in a lasting way, not his own personal approval rating in the world? As we saw on his earlier apology tour through Europe and his attendance at the Summit of the Americas, the attempt to advance his own standing can come at the expense of standing up for the nation he represents.
Barack Obama happens temporarily to occupy the White House. He is entitled to pride in his own achievement and confidence in his own abilities. But it would be good if he showed that he understood that he is now president of the United States first, and Barack Obama, admirer of his own journey, second.
The Weekly Standard, read it here
Doesn't Obama's self-regard sometimes seem greater than his regard for the position he occupies? Does he understand that the office of the presidency is bigger--much bigger--than he is? Or does Obama think of the presidency primarily as a vessel through which to exercise his political gifts and pursue his personal achievements?
Does Obama grasp that his task is to advance U.S. interests in a lasting way, not his own personal approval rating in the world? As we saw on his earlier apology tour through Europe and his attendance at the Summit of the Americas, the attempt to advance his own standing can come at the expense of standing up for the nation he represents.
Barack Obama happens temporarily to occupy the White House. He is entitled to pride in his own achievement and confidence in his own abilities. But it would be good if he showed that he understood that he is now president of the United States first, and Barack Obama, admirer of his own journey, second.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Obama: We are out of money..

Obama has been pouring money down a crony-statist rathole at absolutely astronomical and unprecedented rates. When will he give up on the "financial crisis that he has inherited"? How about the financial crisis that he is creating?
“I’ve bankrupted the nation, so now your only hope is to pass my healthcare plan.” That goes beyond chutzpah to the edge of pathological dishonesty. Except, I guess, that it’s not pathological if you get away with it. And so far, he has.
When will Barack Obama stop fudging it?
Barack Obama's reluctance to begin confronting difficult decisions is creating the impression that his administration is simply hoping for the best, says Simon Heffer.
From the UK, read here
From the UK, read here
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Hitler designed cars too! (just like BO)
“Sitting at a restaurant table in Munich in the summer of 1932, Hitler designed the prototype for what would become the immensely successful Beetle design for Volkswagen (literally, the "car of the people"),” says the Hitler Historical Museum’s website. He then said to the head of Daimler-Benz: “Take it with you and speak with people who understand more about it than I do. But don't forget it. I want to hear from you soon, about the technical details."
This week, Obama imposed on American car manufacturers strict fuel efficiency and emissions standards, to be introduced in 2012. Manufacturers will reportedly get extra pats on the head for cranking out electric cars like General Motors’ Chevy Volt -- which will soak American consumers for about $40,000. In other words, they’re going to make cars only hippies want, at prices only CEOs can afford. Don’t like it? Then ride a bike or take the bus.
These aren’t going to be Hummers or 4x4s, because the simple laws of physics dictate that the heavier something is, the more energy it takes to move it. These are going to be little bitty cars like the ones I see in Paris, none of which are physically capable of hauling both me and my luggage to the airport. Sure, there are hybrid electric buses around the world that run partly on electricity and can do that -- but when they have to keep up with traffic on the highway, that’s when the diesel fuel kicks in and starts drowning polar bears all over again.
Read here
May 19, 2009
Letter from a Dodge dealer...
On Thursday, May 14, 2009 I was notified that my Dodge franchise, that we purchased, will be taken away from my family on June 9, 2009 without compensation and given to another dealer at no cost to them....
This is beyond imagination! My business is being stolen from me through NO FAULT OF OUR OWN. We did NOTHING wrong.
This atrocity will most likely force my family into bankruptcy. This will also cause our 50+ employees to be unemployed. How will they provide for their families? This is a total economic disaster.
I beseech your help, and look forward to your reply.
Thank you.
George C. Joseph
President & OwnerSunshine Dodge-Isuzu ... ealer.html
I would say, this person (& all of his employee's) have standing to question Barry's eligibility status.
Hopefully, people in these situations will become educated in our Constitutional Crisis and get involved (or more involved) in getting the truth known about the faux POTUS that is at the head of this monstrosity
Here is an article on the dealership from last year (the nostalgic pre-Soetoro days) that verifies the dealership info. At the bottom is contact information for the dealership. It is worth introducing him to the Soetoro ineligibility issue if he is not already aware of it, and mentioning the lawsuit idea as he would have standing.
This week, Obama imposed on American car manufacturers strict fuel efficiency and emissions standards, to be introduced in 2012. Manufacturers will reportedly get extra pats on the head for cranking out electric cars like General Motors’ Chevy Volt -- which will soak American consumers for about $40,000. In other words, they’re going to make cars only hippies want, at prices only CEOs can afford. Don’t like it? Then ride a bike or take the bus.
These aren’t going to be Hummers or 4x4s, because the simple laws of physics dictate that the heavier something is, the more energy it takes to move it. These are going to be little bitty cars like the ones I see in Paris, none of which are physically capable of hauling both me and my luggage to the airport. Sure, there are hybrid electric buses around the world that run partly on electricity and can do that -- but when they have to keep up with traffic on the highway, that’s when the diesel fuel kicks in and starts drowning polar bears all over again.
Read here
May 19, 2009
Letter from a Dodge dealer...
On Thursday, May 14, 2009 I was notified that my Dodge franchise, that we purchased, will be taken away from my family on June 9, 2009 without compensation and given to another dealer at no cost to them....
This is beyond imagination! My business is being stolen from me through NO FAULT OF OUR OWN. We did NOTHING wrong.
This atrocity will most likely force my family into bankruptcy. This will also cause our 50+ employees to be unemployed. How will they provide for their families? This is a total economic disaster.
I beseech your help, and look forward to your reply.
Thank you.
George C. Joseph
President & OwnerSunshine Dodge-Isuzu ... ealer.html
I would say, this person (& all of his employee's) have standing to question Barry's eligibility status.
Hopefully, people in these situations will become educated in our Constitutional Crisis and get involved (or more involved) in getting the truth known about the faux POTUS that is at the head of this monstrosity
Here is an article on the dealership from last year (the nostalgic pre-Soetoro days) that verifies the dealership info. At the bottom is contact information for the dealership. It is worth introducing him to the Soetoro ineligibility issue if he is not already aware of it, and mentioning the lawsuit idea as he would have standing.
Obama, The Ungrateful
Before President Obama stands supinely before the G-20 again and engages in a form of national self-flagellation, I would urge him to stand amid the crosses and stars in Normandy cemetery and recall the sacrifices made by those youngsters so that he could be president of the United States and breathe an unadorned version of freedom.
read here
read here
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A Better Plan for Health Care Reform
Now that these Republican sponsors have provided this leadership, those who have been complaining about the lack of Republican alternatives should help promote the plan, interview the sponsors on their shows, and promote debates with the retro Democrats who are stuck promoting outdated ideas that were getting stale 50 years ago. Moreover, it is past time for grassroots conservatives to organize and become active on this issue, pressuring their Representatives and Senators fiercely to oppose the completely unnecessary government takeover bills that would ultimately deprive us of essential health care when we need it most, and to support the alternative patient power approach instead.
Read here from
Read here from
I had to post this article..
It is a must read.
What exactly is a revolution?
From, read it here.
Universal Truth Depends on What Universe You Live In.
Another must read, here.
What exactly is a revolution?
From, read it here.
Universal Truth Depends on What Universe You Live In.
Another must read, here.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Step Down NOW!

Nixonian. "I am not a crook!"
Pelosi. "We were misled" , oh please.
Otis A. Glazebrook IV
Nancy Pelosi apparently has not learned the first lesson of Washington, D.C.: When you are in a hole, stop digging.
At her press conference this morning the Speaker accused the CIA of lying to Congress on the subject of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques.
Of course this means that the CIA will go from a defensive mode into a full offense mode. Expect all sorts of documents exculpatory to the CIA and more proof Pelosi's incompetence.
What is worse? Knowing that something you are morally offended by is about to happen and doing nothing to stop it, or people properly charged with America's security going too far?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Democrats: CIA is out to get us!

WAAAAA!!!! (f'ing crybabies)
Democrats weep crocodile tears about the immorality of torture while failing to mention they knew all about it and approved of it at the time.
"Rush Limbaugh, I hope the country fails, I hope his kidneys fail, how about that? He needs a good waterboarding, that’s what he needs.”
Obama is the man who promised to cast aside what he has called the “partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.” He was going to be the voice of civility and for high-minded public discourse. Is this what Obama had in mind? Granted, Sykes’s words were not Obama’s. Still, his reaction to the ugly things said about Limbaugh tells us something about him. It may also help explain why Obama was so comfortable in the pew of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church for almost 20 years. Perhaps Obama, upon reflection, is willing to condemn the Sykes’s remarks. It would be the appropriate thing to do, especially for a man who wants to usher in a new age of civility., read here, read here
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Michael Savage banned in UK, responds
"Darn! And I was just planning a trip to England for their superior dental work and cuisine,"
Truth to Power

"Despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama bin Laden, there's a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death."
CBS Sports golf analyst David Feherty
CBS Sports golf analyst David Feherty
Friday, May 8, 2009
Obama Knows How to Buy Votes
Hands Off Big Labor
The Obama administration has delivered a strong message to crooked union bosses everywhere: happy days are here again.
On Thursday President Obama, who has pledged to usher in a new era of fiscal responsibility, touted $17 billion in proposed cuts to his $3.4 trillion budget. The media noted that about half of the reductions came out of the defense budget, but lost in most reports is the fact that the administration also slashed funding for the only entity in government tasked with policing unions.
The Obama administration has delivered a strong message to crooked union bosses everywhere: happy days are here again.
On Thursday President Obama, who has pledged to usher in a new era of fiscal responsibility, touted $17 billion in proposed cuts to his $3.4 trillion budget. The media noted that about half of the reductions came out of the defense budget, but lost in most reports is the fact that the administration also slashed funding for the only entity in government tasked with policing unions.
Unafraid In Greenwich Connecticut
The President screaming that the hedge funds are looking for an unjustified taxpayer-funded bailout is the big lie writ large. Find me a hedge fund that has been bailed out. Find me a hedge fund, even a failed one, that has asked for one. In fact, it was only because hedge funds have not taken government funds that they could stand up to this bullying. The TARP recipients had no choice but to go along. The hedge funds were singled out only because they are unpopular, not because they behaved any differently from any other ethical manager of other people's money. The President’s comments here are backwards and libelous. Yet, somehow I don’t think the hedge funds will be following ACORN’s lead and trucking in a bunch of paid professional protestors soon. Hedge funds really need a community organizer.
The President screaming that the hedge funds are looking for an unjustified taxpayer-funded bailout is the big lie writ large. Find me a hedge fund that has been bailed out. Find me a hedge fund, even a failed one, that has asked for one. In fact, it was only because hedge funds have not taken government funds that they could stand up to this bullying. The TARP recipients had no choice but to go along. The hedge funds were singled out only because they are unpopular, not because they behaved any differently from any other ethical manager of other people's money. The President’s comments here are backwards and libelous. Yet, somehow I don’t think the hedge funds will be following ACORN’s lead and trucking in a bunch of paid professional protestors soon. Hedge funds really need a community organizer.
CIA Says Pelosi Was Briefed on Use of 'Enhanced Interrogations'

Intelligence officials released documents this evening saying that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was briefed in September 2002 about the use of harsh interrogation tactics against al-Qaeda prisoners, seemingly contradicting her repeated statements over the past 18 months that she was never told that these techniques were actually being used.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Obama's Gitmo Mess

Oh Mr. Obama, you are so naive.. read WSJ article here.
If only looking good in a suit really did solve the world's problems.
If only looking good in a suit really did solve the world's problems.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I see someone from was browsing my website today.
So.. if it goes away, you know the Obamunists got me. Do I hear a helicopter outside?
BTW: My wife and I went to the gun range last night. She's a better shot than me, so be forewarned.
So.. if it goes away, you know the Obamunists got me. Do I hear a helicopter outside?
BTW: My wife and I went to the gun range last night. She's a better shot than me, so be forewarned.
Governor Brian Schweitzer (D), signs revolutionary new gun law in Montana
From the AP:
The state of Montana has signed into power a revolutionary gun law. The State of Montana has defied the federal government and their gun laws. This will prompt a showdown between the federal government and the State of Montana. The federal government fears citizens owning guns. They try to curtail what types of guns they can own. The gun control laws all have one common goal, confiscation of privately owned firearms.
Montana has gone beyond drawing a line in the sand. They have challenged the Federal Government. The fed now either takes them on and risks them saying the federal agents have no right to violate their state gun laws and arrest the federal agents that try to enforce the federal firearms acts. This will be a world-class event to watch. Montana could go to voting for secession from the union, which is really throwing the gauntlet in Obama’s face. If the federal government does nothing they lose face.
If you don't exercise your 2nd amendment right, you risk losing it.
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away!
Self Defense is a right that people better start taking seriously, Watch here.
In other news:
The Oklahoma House defied a veto from Democratic Governor Brad Henry to approve a resolution asserting its sovereignty under the Constitution. The Senate had approved the initial resolution 29-18, just shy of the two-thirds needed to sustain an override, but this new bill does not require his signature. Backers are optimistic that they will succeed in sending a message to Washington DC to start limiting themselves to truly federal tasks.
The state of Montana has signed into power a revolutionary gun law. The State of Montana has defied the federal government and their gun laws. This will prompt a showdown between the federal government and the State of Montana. The federal government fears citizens owning guns. They try to curtail what types of guns they can own. The gun control laws all have one common goal, confiscation of privately owned firearms.
Montana has gone beyond drawing a line in the sand. They have challenged the Federal Government. The fed now either takes them on and risks them saying the federal agents have no right to violate their state gun laws and arrest the federal agents that try to enforce the federal firearms acts. This will be a world-class event to watch. Montana could go to voting for secession from the union, which is really throwing the gauntlet in Obama’s face. If the federal government does nothing they lose face.
If you don't exercise your 2nd amendment right, you risk losing it.
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away!
Self Defense is a right that people better start taking seriously, Watch here.
In other news:
The Oklahoma House defied a veto from Democratic Governor Brad Henry to approve a resolution asserting its sovereignty under the Constitution. The Senate had approved the initial resolution 29-18, just shy of the two-thirds needed to sustain an override, but this new bill does not require his signature. Backers are optimistic that they will succeed in sending a message to Washington DC to start limiting themselves to truly federal tasks.
The Democrats Lied?! Shocking!
Despite promises from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) that Sen. Arlen Specter (Pa.) would retain his seniority after switching parties, Specter will be put at the end of the seniority line on all his committees but one under a resolution approved on the floor late Tuesday.
Under the modified organizing resolution, Specter will not keep his committee seniority on any of the five committees that he serves on and will be the junior Democrat on all but one — the chamber’s Special Committee on Aging. On that committee, he will be next to last in seniority.
As a result, Specter — who as a Republican was ranking member on the Judiciary Committee and a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, as well as ranking member of the panel’s Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education — will now rank behind all the other Democrats, at least until the end of this Congress.
Under the modified organizing resolution, Specter will not keep his committee seniority on any of the five committees that he serves on and will be the junior Democrat on all but one — the chamber’s Special Committee on Aging. On that committee, he will be next to last in seniority.
As a result, Specter — who as a Republican was ranking member on the Judiciary Committee and a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, as well as ranking member of the panel’s Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education — will now rank behind all the other Democrats, at least until the end of this Congress.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A lot of talk, too little clarity
You know what they say about monkeys, typewriters and Shakespeare. My question is, if you sat an infinite number of Joe Bidens at an infinite number of microphones, would any of them ever say anything that wasn't infinitely stupid? From his reminiscences about Franklin Roosevelt's famous White House television address on the day of the 1929 stock market crash (that is, three years before Roosevelt was president and 20 years before Americans bought TVs) to his campaign-rally exhortation to Missouri state Sen. Chuck Graham to ''Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see ya!'' (Graham's in a wheelchair), Biden's serial stupidities have become a national mortification.
Listening to Biden's gaffeprompter running full speed ahead on the subject of swine flu last week -- he warned Americans that airplanes, subways and classrooms are microbiologic deathtraps, then promptly took a train to Delaware -- my first thought was, who in the world made this guy vice president? My second was, oh, right. And my third was, no wonder people are always calling Barack Obama the smartest guy in the room. At most White House meetings, it's probably literally -- if dishearteningly -- true.
You know what they say about monkeys, typewriters and Shakespeare. My question is, if you sat an infinite number of Joe Bidens at an infinite number of microphones, would any of them ever say anything that wasn't infinitely stupid? From his reminiscences about Franklin Roosevelt's famous White House television address on the day of the 1929 stock market crash (that is, three years before Roosevelt was president and 20 years before Americans bought TVs) to his campaign-rally exhortation to Missouri state Sen. Chuck Graham to ''Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see ya!'' (Graham's in a wheelchair), Biden's serial stupidities have become a national mortification.
Listening to Biden's gaffeprompter running full speed ahead on the subject of swine flu last week -- he warned Americans that airplanes, subways and classrooms are microbiologic deathtraps, then promptly took a train to Delaware -- my first thought was, who in the world made this guy vice president? My second was, oh, right. And my third was, no wonder people are always calling Barack Obama the smartest guy in the room. At most White House meetings, it's probably literally -- if dishearteningly -- true.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Obama’s transparency is clear as mud
by Mark Tapscott in the
Three and a half months into the Obama era and Sunlight’s Real-Time Investigations team recently found that “some of the most elementary details about the [TARP] program - like who is actually managing distribution of the bailout money to financial institutions - is still shrouded in secrecy.”
Good luck trying to find out where those billions are going. Obama promised the public would have unprecedented access to stimulus spending information, saying “our goal must be to spend these precious dollars with unprecedented accountability, responsibility, and transparency.”
Obama is uncommonly good at saying the right words. The new government web site,, is unprecedented alright, but not the way Obama promised.
There has been some improvement in recent weeks, but remains chock full of colorful charts, links to official PR babble, and mildly interesting summary statistics. Mostly, the site is a tax-paid propaganda tool to persuade the gullible that Obama is doing a wonderful job.
Three and a half months into the Obama era and Sunlight’s Real-Time Investigations team recently found that “some of the most elementary details about the [TARP] program - like who is actually managing distribution of the bailout money to financial institutions - is still shrouded in secrecy.”
Good luck trying to find out where those billions are going. Obama promised the public would have unprecedented access to stimulus spending information, saying “our goal must be to spend these precious dollars with unprecedented accountability, responsibility, and transparency.”
Obama is uncommonly good at saying the right words. The new government web site,, is unprecedented alright, but not the way Obama promised.
There has been some improvement in recent weeks, but remains chock full of colorful charts, links to official PR babble, and mildly interesting summary statistics. Mostly, the site is a tax-paid propaganda tool to persuade the gullible that Obama is doing a wonderful job.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Obama's Whack-A-Mole Politics
by Michael Gabor in
The Whack-a-Mole was a large box-like contraption with multiple holes, through which a plastic mole would pop in and out of, in rapid and random fashion. The object was to hit the moles on the head with a rubber mallet as they emerged from their holes. Of course, just as you were in the process of hitting one, another would pop out somewhere else, and there was no way to keep pace for very long. Ultimately, you would lose. Drained of our money and our dignity, our only option was to find our parents and plead for a small bailout. If they wanted to continue eating their gyros in peace, they were forced to fork over enough of an economic stimulus to at least allow us to go buy some curly fries.
Fast forward to the frenzied first 100 days in office of our Carney Pitchman in Chief: the sheer volume and frequency of gaffes, cons, misguided solutions, outrageous abuses of executive power, and repeated episodes of bad judgment, make it difficult for a rational individual to come to grips with any specific untoward development before they are assailed by yet another one. Today’s vast left wing Whack-a-Mole machine doesn’t even have the decency to let you catch your breath between games: while you are on your hands and knees trying to figure out exactly where on the floor your jaw last fell in response to, say, the President of the United States subserviently bowing to a foreign prince, you might miss a panic-inducing New York City fly-by, the firing of a CEO of a private company by the President, or the President shamelessly marketing our purported national shame to the rest of the world.
The Whack-a-Mole was a large box-like contraption with multiple holes, through which a plastic mole would pop in and out of, in rapid and random fashion. The object was to hit the moles on the head with a rubber mallet as they emerged from their holes. Of course, just as you were in the process of hitting one, another would pop out somewhere else, and there was no way to keep pace for very long. Ultimately, you would lose. Drained of our money and our dignity, our only option was to find our parents and plead for a small bailout. If they wanted to continue eating their gyros in peace, they were forced to fork over enough of an economic stimulus to at least allow us to go buy some curly fries.
Fast forward to the frenzied first 100 days in office of our Carney Pitchman in Chief: the sheer volume and frequency of gaffes, cons, misguided solutions, outrageous abuses of executive power, and repeated episodes of bad judgment, make it difficult for a rational individual to come to grips with any specific untoward development before they are assailed by yet another one. Today’s vast left wing Whack-a-Mole machine doesn’t even have the decency to let you catch your breath between games: while you are on your hands and knees trying to figure out exactly where on the floor your jaw last fell in response to, say, the President of the United States subserviently bowing to a foreign prince, you might miss a panic-inducing New York City fly-by, the firing of a CEO of a private company by the President, or the President shamelessly marketing our purported national shame to the rest of the world.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Worse than Jimmy Carter (times 10)
by Nile Gardiner
Obama’s speech in Strasbourg, where he condemned America’s “arrogance”, has to rank as one of the most damaging, if not the most damaging speech by a U.S. president on foreign soil in modern times. It is impossible to imagine the leader of any European nation, with the unique exception of Germany’s contrition over its Nazi past, launching an attack like this upon his or her own country on foreign land. It was the humbling of a superpower in front of a largely French and German audience, who cheered every word the president spoke trashing his own nation’s record.
There was no mention by Obama in his speech of the sacrifice of tens of thousands of American GIs who died liberating France from fascist occupation, and no recognition of the huge role the United States played in keeping Europe free. It was a speech that quite easily could have been written in parts by Jacques Chirac or Dominique de Villepin, railing against the American “hyper-power”.
Barack Obama has launched a new era of self-flagellation for America that serves only to humiliate the American people, and embolden Washington’s enemies. From Tehran to Pyongyang, Moscow to Caracas, dictatorial regimes have been given a new lease of life by a U.S. administration that threatens little and barely talks about the advancement of freedom. The spread of individual liberty and human rights are hardly priority goals for a White House that is struggling to find a dictator it isn’t willing to talk to in the name of its weak-kneed new policy of “engagement”.
Obama’s speech in Strasbourg, where he condemned America’s “arrogance”, has to rank as one of the most damaging, if not the most damaging speech by a U.S. president on foreign soil in modern times. It is impossible to imagine the leader of any European nation, with the unique exception of Germany’s contrition over its Nazi past, launching an attack like this upon his or her own country on foreign land. It was the humbling of a superpower in front of a largely French and German audience, who cheered every word the president spoke trashing his own nation’s record.
There was no mention by Obama in his speech of the sacrifice of tens of thousands of American GIs who died liberating France from fascist occupation, and no recognition of the huge role the United States played in keeping Europe free. It was a speech that quite easily could have been written in parts by Jacques Chirac or Dominique de Villepin, railing against the American “hyper-power”.
Barack Obama has launched a new era of self-flagellation for America that serves only to humiliate the American people, and embolden Washington’s enemies. From Tehran to Pyongyang, Moscow to Caracas, dictatorial regimes have been given a new lease of life by a U.S. administration that threatens little and barely talks about the advancement of freedom. The spread of individual liberty and human rights are hardly priority goals for a White House that is struggling to find a dictator it isn’t willing to talk to in the name of its weak-kneed new policy of “engagement”.
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