Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Democrats are hypocrites when it comes to paying taxes

They say taxes are a patriotic duty. So why did Geithner and Daschle have trouble paying them?
Jonah Goldberg February 3, 2009

During the presidential campaign, Joe Biden insisted that paying your taxes is a patriotic duty. No, scratch that. He said that supporting a tax hike was the American thing to do. "It's time to be patriotic," he told America's putative tax slackers. When asked whether he might be questioning the patriotism of people who don't want higher taxes, Biden, as is his wont, took things to the next rhetorical level. Forget patriotism, insisted Joe, paying higher taxes is a religious obligation.

The man who gave an average of $369 a year to charity over the previous decade fulfills his religious obligations by cutting a tax check -- a check he's required to cut by law.

Excellent Editorial, read here.

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